Chapter Nine

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“How are you?” Ashton asks me.

“Sad, lonely, hungry, depressed, scared, confused. A mix of emotions really!” I reply wiping off a bit of dried blood on Ashton’s shoulder.

“Tell me about your brother?” Ashton asks after I am done cleaning him up and putting a fresh bandage on him. I climb up into the back of the Ute and lie down. Ashton follows me and lies down beside me.

“What do you want to know?” I finally answer.

“I don’t know. Tell me about him, what does he like to do? What does he look like?”

“Luke is my twin brother, so pretty much identical to me but in a masculine way. Oh, but he has blond hair not red, which we have always thought was weird. People often ask us if one of us gets out hair dyed. He is my Best Friend and I was devastated when he was taken from me. Every birthday, instead of buying me a present, I would ask him to write me a song. He plays guitar really well and has an amazing singing voice. He was in a band before all of this ‘end of the world’ drama started!” Before I knew it I was telling Ashton all about the memories I had with my brother and laughing at some of the crazy things we got up to. When I had finished I shifted my head to look at him to find he was staring back at me with a cute dimply smile.

“Feeling better?” He asked me. I stopped and thought for a while and sure enough I felt that feeling of hope again that was beginning to die inside of me.

“I do, thanks for that!” I say smiling back at him.

“I have a brother too. He’s a lot younger than me though, yet we always seem to get on really, really well! I also used to be in a band back in high school like Luke, drumming was my passion.”

“My guess was right then!” I say a little too enthusiastically.


“Back in the super market I imagined what you and Harry would have been back when things where normal based on your looks. I guessed you were a drummer in a band due to your large biceps and the way you dressed.” Ashton laughed and gave me a small clap.

“That’s a real talent you have their Essie! What did you decide Harry was?”

“A male model or the mysterious one in a boy band.” I replied.

“Well I’m glad you thought I was a male model instead of a Female one, but you’re only a third correct Essie. I wasn’t in a boy band, but I did have a promising singing solo career ahead of me.” Harry says startling us. I sit up and see him strolling casually back towards us with his black skinny jeans hugging his long legs and his bird tattoos peeking out from the neck line of his white t-shirt. He pushes his hair back from his face winking at me.

“So did you find a gas station?” Ashton asks sitting up beside me. Harry looks down at the gravel road for a moment making circles in the dirt with the tip of his boot.

“Harry? Are you okay?” I ask concerned.

“Yeah I’m good! There is one up the road a few hundred metres. Didn’t get a chance to check it out though, we have to move quickly though, okay?” He suddenly replies moving towards me and almost pulling me off the back of the Ute. His mood has changed drastically, as he seems too sketchy and shaken up, like he has seen something bad.

“Wait, wait, wait! What’s going on?” I ask pulling away from his grasp only to have him re-attach his hands to my arms again.

“Nothing, I’m just nervous that we are going to get caught or something and I’m really hungry.” I let him pull me out of the back of the Ute and look at Ashton who is also looking confused. I shrug my shoulders at him and grab my gun from the inside of the Ute.

“Lead the way captain!” I say saluting Harry, receiving a cute little smile in return.

“I’ll man the ship!” Ashton announces, playing along with my game. I giggle and give him a smile before heading off with Harry.


“What’s going on with you and Ashton?” Harry asks as we reach the interstate.

“What is it with you two asking me that today?”

“What? Did he ask you the same question?”

“He asked me what was going on between you and me!” I reply confused.

“What did you say?” Harry asks, curiosity evident in his voice.

“I told him nothing. I don’t even know what’s going on between us. And to answer your question, nothing is going on between Ashton and me.” Harry stays silent until I look at him.

“What?” He asks.

“What do you mean, what? I’m waiting for a reply from you telling me why you asked me that!” Just as Harry was about to open his mouth to speak the sound of an engine broke the silence of the world around us. Panic rose in me as I took off towards the gas station only thirty metres away from us. I knew it was a Van without even having to see it. I dove through the open door and ducked behind the counter. Harry was close behind and he joined me behind the wooden counter.

“Did they see us?” I asked freaking out.

“They’d have to be blind not to have seen us!” Suddenly the sound of tires running over broken glass echoed through the small building. The roaring engine came to a halt. Tears streamed down my face as I clung to Harry with all my life. This was it. This was how I was going to let down my brother, or worse, this was how I was going to die. Before I could react Harry stood up in plain sight of whoever was in the van and made his way out from the other side of the counter. He gave me one look before disappearing which I could tell was a stay there and shut-up look. So I did. Just like I did when my brother was taken from me. Hiding, feeling helpless and weak. I wasn’t going to let someone else heroically risk their own life to save me and be taken from my life, but just as I was about to stand-up I heard Harry speak.

“You got my signal?”

“Yes we did agent Styles. Where are the fugitives located?” A deep voice answered back. Agent? Fugitives?

“I saw them heading South East when I sent out the signal. There are two of them, if you head down the interstate now you will most likely be able to catch them before sun down.”

“Thank-you, I am sure we will.” With that the engine roared to life again and took off down the road the way we came from. I just sat there shocked, scared, confused, but most of all sad. I stood up and aimed my gun up to Harry’s head as he walked back towards me. I flicked the safety switch off which made a small click, causing Harry to look up. He stopped in his tracks and held his hands up in the air. “I know what you must be thinking.” He says calmly.

“Oh really! DO YOU! Fuck you Harry, I trusted you! I FUCKING TRUSTED YOU!” I yelled loudly startling both Harry and myself. “Give me one good reason why I shouldn’t shoot you in your god damn head!” Harry lowered his hands and took a step forward.


“Because I just saved your life!”

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