Chapter 4

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M. Jesse and Olivia regrouped with Lukas and F. Jesse. To make sure that none of the other guests eavesdropped in on their discussion, the four friends headed back to their room. They locked their bedroom door and made sure there weren't any possible entrances for the killer to come and ambush them, or if anyone was hiding in their room.

Once they confirmed that they were in the clear and safe in their room, the four began to discuss what they gathered.

"I don't think that the killer had intentions to kill Tommy, unless they somehow got out without showing any signs of a break in," said Olivia.

"No. The killer could be one of the other guests. Remember, even if they don't have anything against Tommy, the killer has knowledge with potions and redstone. And it's possible that the killer may also believe in superior beings, based on that message I found," said M. Jesse.

"Yeah. Well, Jess and I have discussed who we think out of the guests could be the possible suspects," said Lukas.

"Okay, who do you guys think it could be, and why?' said Olivia.

"First suspect could be Peri. She and Tommy apparently got into a fight earlier and she got pretty mad when Tommy broke an invention she made. And she's skilled with redstone, so that's another hint that she may be the killer," said F. Jesse.

"Next, we think it could be Carrie. While she did get picked on earlier by Tommy, she appears to be the shy, bullied soul. We don't know if she's faking it, considering how she's been bullied due to beliefs, which the killer seems to have. In addition, she could be passing this kind of persona to pass herself as an innocent, but we can't be sure," said Lukas.

"Okay. Valid points so far. Anymore suspects?" asked M. Jesse.

"I have a suspicion on Maxine. She doesn't seem to be connected to our clues, but my suspicion is that she could've killed Tommy for something... interesting. She said she's entering a photography contest, so she could take photos of this investigation and claim she came at the... 'right time' for a winning entry for the contest," said Lukas.

"I didn't think that through. And you got a good point Lukas. People pass off sad, sometimes dangerous stuff, to make a lot of money over it. I've seen bad people try it in the movies," said Olivia.

"Another suspect we have is Sean, mainly because he and Tommy had a rough foot, but he also seemed to encourage us to solve this case. He could be trying to pin himself off as an innocent by rooting for us," said F. Jesse.

"I've seen bad guys do that before. So you got a point. Any others?" asked M. Jesse.

"Just one more: Nathan. Tommy teased him and Amanda, and Nathan took it harder than Amanda. He looked pretty mad when we talked to him," said Lukas.

"I still wonder one thing: if Tommy's not a bad guy, and trolling people is just his way of being humorous, why would someone kill him if they had intentions?" said Olivia.

"What do you mean?" asked M. Jesse.

"If a killer didn't have intentions, they'd shoot at a target from a distance and easily flee like a coward. But one with intentions, then they'd make sure that the target was finished off. I still think that whoever killed Tommy had intentions of some sort..." said Olivia.

"You got a point Olivia, especially since Tommy was clearly beaten badly to make sure he wouldn't survive his wounds," said F. Jesse.

"So what should we tell the guests? Should we call the police first? Or should we keep looking for clues?" asked Lukas.

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