Chapter 2: Reminiscence

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Art by: littlenovelle

2066- Age 5

Misaki hummed to herself as she turned on the faucet, putting each dish in, cleaning it, and setting it aside. Rinse and repeat, literally.

She could hear little (Y/n) giggling to herself in the living room connected to the kitchen. Turning off the faucet, she wiped her hands on the hand towel nearby.

(Y/n) continued giggling, causing Misaki's curiosity to pique. Walking toward the living room with a content smile, she peeked in. Her eyes widened, and she dropped the towel she had just been holding. A serpent was resting on little (Y/n)'s neck, tickling her with its tiny half-corporeal scales.

The red dragon swirled around her, nuzzling into her cheek. Misaki's maternal instincts screamed "danger" as she ran to (Y/n)'s side, pulling her away from it and protectively wrapping her arms around her.

"W-what the hell is that thing?!"

A joyful laugh bubbled from (Y/n)’s mouth: "It's my pet! I named him Ramen!"

Misaki felt dread drain the color from her face. She had thought that she had escaped her past, from Genji, until she remembered that Genji had this very same power. It wasn’t a secret that the Shimadas could commune with these mystical beasts, but Misaki hadn’t realized that little (Y/n) would be inheriting more than just her father’s dark chocolate eyes. She also remembered Genji telling her that it took years of training to get their dragons to appear and wondered just how much power her daughter truly possessed.

A painful tingle raced through Misaki’s chest, reminding her of the time when she had someone to hold her tight and tell her everything was okay. Yes, Genji was a playboy, and yes, he did go out with other girls, but their relationship lasted the longest compared to any other. She didn't know why she stayed with the playboy; perhaps it was his looks or rebellious personality, or both. Either way, she fell hard for him.

Misaki shouldn’t have been so surprised when Genji rejected their child. She thought he had changed for the better, but in retrospect, nothing changed. Genji still had the pressure of living up to the Shimada name which only worsened when his father died. Misaki tried her hardest to give him the benefit of the doubt, but the fact remained that he decided that she and (Y/n) weren’t worth more than his messed-up family clan. He just wasn’t ready for that kind of responsibility.

Reality was brought back to Misaki when she realized she had let go of little (Y/n), and her daughter laughed rather loudly when a tiny tongue poked out of Ramen’s mouth.

One day, (Y/n) will want to know why she’s the only little girl in the world with a pet dragon. She will look for answers in the identity of her father. Until then, Misaki wanted to enjoy as much of her only little girl’s childhood as possible.

2077- Age 16

Your heart was beating a hundred miles an hour as you held the priceless box protectively, running as fast as you could.

“Holy biscuits, c’mon c’mon, just a little further!” You chanted to yourself breathlessly.

Finally, you burst through the door, setting down the box and closing the door behind you.

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