Chapter 15: Deceit and Intentions

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Genji looked rather bewildered at his brother behind his visor, but still curious as to what he had to say.

"What do you mean, Hanzo?" Genji asked.

Hanzo rolled his eyes at his brother, while he may have had many changes over the years, he could still be oblivious at times "I mean do you not find it the least bit suspicous she knew where our base was. I for one do not buy into the whole "research" thing," He put air qoutes around "Research". "If an organization such as Overwatch were to have been shutdown and made illegal, I am sure that few to none of their archives were to have made it to the public eye. Most likely having been destroyed or possibly safely hidden. Especially information regarding the locations of its bases."

Genji kept his calm even when there were such accusations towards his student, but that didnt mean he liked it. However, it was true. Many archives belonging to Overwatch were burried away with the ashes of the past. Watchpoints such as Watchpoint: Antartica had been all but forgotten, and it wasnt until Mei, the last remaining survivor that was sent there, had returned after cryostasis that then did the reforming organization realize how much was truly lost.

You couldnt just go onto the internet and look up the location of something that was to remain hidden. It wasnt because the government had shut it down and stripped away any and all information it could find. It was because there were the few at Overwatch who worked quickly to hide information from any eyes who could use it for their own gain, deleting files and data, but at the same time saving things that were simply too important to remove. No one knew that Overwatch was to be recalled thirty years later, so it was either luck or fate that when it did recall, it had enough data to even function as the small group its functioning as now, as well as obtain the information of its former members and call them back to duty. Both Blackwatch and Overwatch.

There was still the more simple websites that gave simple information about each former member of Overwatch, as well as its more covert branch after they were discovered after the italy incident.

Yet the idea of you somehow finding this place due to some lucky click and scroll on the internet was highly unlikely.

"Genji, the day (y/n) came to Gibralter, did you notice anything particular about her uniform?"

Genji blinked for a moment before shaking his head, "No, why do you ask?"

"Did her uniform not seem familiar to you?"

Genji wondered back to the uniform trying to pinpoint where it couldve been from. Its familiarity slowly coming to Genji each time he thought about it. Then thinking back to the times hes fought people with the same uniforms, only without the certain emblem.

Genji's heart sunk at the realization, instantly thinking of himself as a fool for not realizing it sooner.

"You finally realized it." Hanzo stated. "Genji, Its not just her uniform that has caused me such suspicion," He tapped his ear twice. "I believe she has on her a communication device. It is small, but it has still managed to catch my eye."

"An ear piece?... Hanzo, are you sure?" Hanzo nodded.

"If what you say is true... If there is anyone on the other side of that device, does she keep contact?" Genji asked

"I am unsure. But I feel as though we need to remain cautious about this." He replied.

Genji leaned against the wall, looking down to the floor, absorbing all the information that his brother had just given him.

"Should we approach her about the matter?" Hanzo asked his brother, not wanting to pursue anything unless he got a yes from Genji. After all, it was only right that he knew the truth out of everyone, being her master.

Genji shook his head, pushing himself from the wall he was leaning on, "I will tend to the matter myself. Being in charge of her, I will see if what you say is true. I do not doubt you, Hanzo, for you have no reason to lie to me. But I want to hear the truth from her."

Hanzo understood where Genji was coming from. He would want to hear his words coming from his own student, whom the accusations were pointed towards. It had little to do with doubt.

He did however notice that Genji had not addressed (y/n) as his student when referring to her, nor did he address himself as her master. He decided not to bring it up, knowing his brother was already feeling some kind of emotion from all this.

"Very well. I trust you will keep a cool head..." Hanzo turned around and began to walk away, but not before turning his head to look over his shoulder at his brother. "I know full well how you feel about being betrayed by someone close to you..." Hanzo said, though it sounded like it was directed more toward himself then Genji. The cyborg's eyes softened behind his visor at the words his brother spoke, as he looked toward the eldest who had walked away without another word or glance leaving Genji alone in the hallway.

After his brother turned the corner, Genji turned to walk down the opposite way toward the room where you awaited him.

A/N oooo shit bout to go down...

Also sorry if the chapter is shitty, it went through heavy editing compared to its early stages before it was published. alot of words and sentences were stripped. Some replaced.

Anyways, Im back from hiatus! and look at the number of reads climbing! like holy fudge monkeys! Its a good thing I sorta plan about this story in my head lol or else Id have nothin down. Hopefully the small amount of motivation ive got for this story will stay, maybe even grow, because the feeling of having a complete story kinda feels good.

Thank you all for being super patient, just wanted to say, I sorta have ideas for whats going to happen next but im still erasing the shitty ideas and trying to keep the good ones. So expect a somewhat decent wait, but not to long like with the hiatus. Anyways, see ya!

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