Chapter 3: Dreams

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Art by: littlenovelle

You stayed awake all night, looking up stories, videos, anything to tell you about Overwatch, You found useless things and quite helpful stuff. The most helpful was when you noticed something about the reformation of Overwatch.

Is Overwatch reforming? You wondered, leaning back into your bed staring up at your ceiling.

"Dad, Where are you?"

Genji's POV. Location: Currently Unknown.

Genji sat in silence in his meditation pose. The cold breeze blowing against him, though it did not bother him. Beside him was his Beloved Master, and friend, Tekhartha Zenyatta, a peaceful omnic, and on the other side, was his spirit dragon, Soba.

Meditation was the time Genji could just relax and reflect on today or the past if he wished.

Lately, though, he has been having s dreams about a red dragon, much like his own and Hanzo's own dragons. But every time he dreamed about it, he had the sudden urge to go near it, touch it, talk to it.

What was this dream about? Was it an omen? A sign to something? Perhaps he has been training too hard again. Either way, he knew the visions meant something, he just didn't know what.

"Genji, is something troubling you?"

Genji blinked a few times trying to focus on reality again, shaking his head. He hadn't realized he was staring up at the sky instead of sitting in his traditional meditation pose.

He looked over to his master, he could tell him, right?

"I've been having... Dreams lately, its the same one over and over. A giant red spirit dragon comes into my dreams, and something draws me to it."

"I see, do you believe these dreams are a sign of something?"

"I'm not sure, maybe?"

"I believe that once in our lifetimes we are all given a sign. A sign that points us in the direction that could impact our lives. The question is, will you choose to ignore this sign? Or figure out what it is. If you choose to try and figure it out, then I'm certain your life will change forever." His calm harmonic tone calmed Genji and helped him think more clearly.

"Clearly this dream is meant to mean something. Ignoring it just isn't an option." Genji finally spoke.

"Whatever you choose, just know I'm here if you ever need guidance."

Genji smiled knowingly, "I know master."

A/N I know this chapter is short, there was more planned for this chapter but i didnt really like it so i decided to scrap it and rewrite the chapter.

Hope you all enjoyed chapter 3 of Stay With Me!

Also dont be afraid to leave me a comment and a vote, be it funny or just a strip of critism or if im doing anything wrong. So far I feel like im doing pretty good and im familiar enough with overwatch lore to make a story of it. Sooo yeah. PEACE!

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