Chapter 25: The Finale: part 2

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It was like you had been possessed.

There was so much rage, and you thought your heart was going to give out. Your vision became tunneled, focusing on the man causing your grief. A tingling sensation ran across your body; you were on fire.

A memory flashed through your head, giving you directions. You remembered how you smashed the bastard into a wall, and how good it felt. You wanted to do it again. You wanted to bash his ugly mug into the concrete floor until he stopped moving. But there were things in your way.

Your lips curled back into a snarl as you watched several dozen soldiers covered in black and grey armor turn their weapons toward you. You saw the fear in their postures, nearly forcing a malicious cackle out of your mouth. There was a second group of people, wearing more colorful attire. They didn't threaten you, but the same apprehensive look was in their bearings. 

A strange omnic-like figure dared to step forward, so you shifted your angry gaze at him, trying to decide whether or not you would have to take him down as well. You didn't know it at the time, but he recognized your expression. It was the same look he used to have during his time in Blackwatch, void of rationality, utterly filled with rage, but still containing a lethal dose of intelligence designed for one purpose: to destroy all threats.

"Genji... what are you doing?" A masked figure with white hair asked carefully, trying to make sure he didn't provoke you.

The green figure continued towards you, tossing aside his katana and holding out his hands in surrender. Alarms went off in your head. Were they trying to keep you from mashing the black-clad man into the floor? Should they be the first person you tear through?

A loud crack resounded, pulling your attention away and dragging an angry roar from your lips. You crouched low, zipping to the source and smashing a fiery fist into the masked soldier. They went down with a scream, shouting something along the lines of "my face is melting," but you couldn't care less and turn toward the source of your rage, determined to beat the hell out of him.

"Shoot her!" The man in black shouted. If your sub-conscience didn't know better, you'd think that he sounded afraid. 

"Stop this madness, Reaper!" The robotic man yelled desperately, taking cover and diving for his weapon.

Shrieking in rage and pain, you plowed through the soldiers and their bullets to get to "Reaper." Forcefully smashing kick into one of the men that dared to step in front of you, you cleared a straight line toward your target, only to scream angrily when more obstacles took their place allowing your opponent to make his escape. That was probably a smart move if he hadn't tried to take your mother with him. Flinging a hand in their general direction, people dove out of the way of the dragon that had taken shape and flown between "Reaper" and your mom. The wicked man turned towards you for a brief moment before retreating into his escape vehicle.

You were about to jump after him when "Genji" called out to you: "Stop! (Y/n), stop!" As if instinctually, your body stopped, turning towards him once again. You hated how you responded to his words like a dog. You hated how you didn't even think before obeying this... insignificant mortal. He had to be eliminated.

"(Y/n)... please calm down." He said calmly, trying to soothe you and successfully causing the fire around you to settle.

A flash caught your eye, and you spotted the white-haired man defensively pointing his gun at you. He hadn't fired yet, but that doesn't mean he wouldn't if he had the chance. Howling with outrage, leaped towards him, only to be knocked to the ground by an astoundingly strong force. You felt a strange betrayal when you saw "Genji" before you, katana outstretched and ready to cut something.

"Hey! Snap out of it!" You lunged, furious that he was treating you like a wild animal. Then again, you kinda were a wild animal. He hesitated, not mainly wanting to shish-kebab you, so you took full advantage, tackling him with such force that you both rolled across the floor. He miraculously seemed to stand nearly immediately, but you landed a flaming kick that sent him flying backward.

"Genji!" Multiple voices cried out, but he dismissed them with a wave.

Powerful energy lit up around him, turning your rage into a mode of self-protection. This was the same energy that woke up Ramen's fire, and you were scared as hell.

"You are so grounded when we get home," he growled under his breath, sending a majestic green dragon in your direction. You retaliated with your own red one, which was smaller but just powerful. You poured your energy into the serpent, nearly overpowering Genji's when you were flanked by two bright blue dragons, forcing Ramen into a ball before it disappeared.

And you screamed. Not out of rage, but sheer agony. 

Your head hurt as you fell to your hands and knees, the pain of all the bullets you took hitting you full force. Tears dripped from your eyes without your consent, and you were shaking from the lack of warmth your fire had provided. You stayed like that for two full minutes, ashamed, cold, and most of all, tired.

"Misaki," your father said softly when your mom tried to approach you. "Give her a minute."

"What? No! She needs me! My baby needs me!" She shouted back, worsening your headache. Small hands propped you up into a kneeling position and engulfed you in a warm hug. You were hurt, but the warmth was welcome. She pushed the hair in your face away, lip wobbling when she looked into your tired eyes.

A gasp fell from her lips when she pulled away, her torso covered in blood. Was that mine?

"Genji! Come here, she's-" And then everything around you felt like it was underwater. You slumped back into your mother's hold, black spots dancing across your vision. A tortured whimper escaped your lips as you were laid on the ground, and a new figure hovered above you, shining brightly as her wings and halo seemed to glow against the sun

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