I has some prompts for the trainwreck book

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Mmmmmmmmmmmkay, so I be seeing people doing prompts for their oneshots and I'm like

'Well, people read it and it's a trainwreck but lEt'S gEt ThE oNe PeRsOn WhO rEaDs ThIs AbOmInAtIoN iNvOlVeD'

SOooo Some are speech some aren't but let's go

No smut tho, some may sound a bit smutty but that ain't on purpose. Go ask Justyouwaait to do those for ya, she has an unhealthy obsession with kingington and always says "IM KING-SHAMING" and shite like that.

she dont have a book yet but still


Give moi a ship and a prompt, I'll number them :)

1) "<Name here>?! You home?!"

2) "Oh my poor, sick baby..." (That one NEEDS to be Jeffmads amirite?)

3) "Awwww, sleeping beauty..."

4) I watched (pronoun, but probs 'his' amirite) face flush and held (Pronoun) face in my hand.

5) "P-please...don't go...."

6) "Stay?" "Hey...."

7) "Can I have a hug?"

8) "Daddy got a new *blank* I see..." (NOT SMUT PLEASE, IF YOU WANT SMUT, TAG @Justyouwaait in your prompt and I'll let her know)

9) "I love you..."

10) "I'M SORRY!"

11) "That's disgusting..." (Just imagine James saying that to Thomas when he puts something minging in his Mac and cheese)

12) "Noice..." (IM SORRY OK?)

13) "You're a walking disaster..."

14) "I can't believe you've done this." (I A M A L I V I N G M E M E)

15) "Did ya hear, there's gonna be a rainstorm tonight." (Someone x Hamilton amirite?)

16) "I've not slept for 72 hours and lived off coffee and 5-hour energy." (I'm not american but I know what that is, ok?)

17) "You're hilarious..."

18) "Fuck this..."

19) "I will whoop your ass on Mariokart Wii if you ain't careful."

20) "<Insert song lyrics here>"


WinterCarnation I'm looking at you

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