Chapter Two

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Chapter Two:

The stall I choose is a large loose box. Its next to Jay's and it's one of the few remaining stalls with a automatic waterer that still works. After I disinfect it, I rinse it down so that it's clean and shiny. After a thick and fluffy layer of wood chips, the stall is ready for the new horse. I fill up the water bucket, after giving it a good scrub.

It's time to think of names. Al said that the honour of naming him is mine. What about Honour? No, that seems like a name for a mare. Blaze? He has a blaze. Chevy? My trucks a Chevy. I absentmindedly pet one of the barn cats that has jumped onto my lap, as I sit and think. The cats name is Midas. That would make a good name.

"Mind if a horse shares your name?" I ask Midas, stroking his nose. My answer is a swat on the face from his black paw "Ok... going to take that as a no," I laugh, pushing his paw of my cheek. Hmmm... Midas was a king from Greek mythology. What about a Greek god? "Apollo? Hermes? Ares? Zeus? Poseidon?" I muse a loud. Midas has left to catch mice around Ares, so I stand up and go inside, still thinking of names. Pluto? Mars? Those are planets. Mars makes me think of chocolate. What about a chocolate bar? I think as I cut up some tomatoes, cucumbers, celery and lettuce to make a salad for lunch. Snickers? Skor? Hershey? Henry? Bounty? The possibilities are endless!

I sit at my table. The table was made by great grandfather many years ago. It's oak, and shiny and dark. It has a few scratches from years from use, but other than that it is in very good shape. He also made the chairs which match it.

I'm interrupted from my lunch when a green truck pulls into the yard, a two horse trailer in tow. It sends my border collie Ace in a barking frenzy, so I run outside to shush him. I look up, and see its Al, and that he has arrived with the horse.

"Hello Sadie," Al nods, and gives Ace a rub on the head "I brought you your horse." he gestures towards the trailer, where my horse is making a lot of noise, banging against the metal sides of the trailer.

"Sounds like he wants to get out," I say, "should I go get him?"

"Of course! He's yours now." he waves me towards the trailer. I laugh, and jog over to the trailer door. I unlatch it, and swing it open. Horse looks at me, and nickers. It's sounds like he's telling me to get him the hell outta here.

"Jeez, your impatient," I hop into the trailer, and walk up to his head, stroking him as i go. I undo the quick release that Al has tied, and slowly back him out of the trailer. His hoofs clang on the metal floor as he walks, but it doesn't seem to spook him, "well, he seem well behaved." I say, stroking his shiny copper coloured neck.

"He is... if you know what to do." Al says mysteriously.

"And what's that supposed to mean?" I roll my eyes, "more mysterious talents?"

"No... he's only got one of those," he laughs, then adds, "that I know of." I laugh.

"Let's hope that one of his talents isn't bucking if you say the magic word," I say, laughing at the image of someone telling the gelding something, and him bucking. Al is suppressing a grin, "what? He doesn't actually do that does he? Buck on command?" if he does, this is one smart horse.

"You're a smart girl Sadie," Al says and smiles, "you'll figure it all out eventually." What's that supposed to mean? I start to lead him to his new stall. I'll bring in the others later. He can meet them in the stable, when they are in separate stalls so that when I turn them out together they'll already have made a brief acquaintance. Al follows me.

"So, are his living conditions appropriate?" I ask, as seriously as I can. I know that Al hates selling horses to people, only to learn that their stables don't exactly live up to his expectations. I have heard him rant about it a lot. And I don't like it when horses are kept on very inappropriate living conditions, but it's hard not to tease him about it every now and then. He gives it a quick look.

"Good enough," he decides, "so, have you chosen a name yet?" he asks me as I settle Horse in his new stall.

"No. Not yet. I wish I knew his registered name. It would be helpful," I say, unbuckling his halter, and finding that it is actually to small, "this halter is teeny."

"Yeah, you might want to replace it. It's the only extra I had. I just used it because I knew that it'd be temporary," he says, "and I have his papers. Would that help?"

"You could've mentioned that a little sooner," I say, handing Al Horse's halter, "I'll go down to the tack store later and get a new one." I exit the stall, bolting it securely shut behind me.

"Here, come with me. I'll give you his tack and stuff," I follow Al back to his truck. He opens the door to the back seat, and pulls out a beautiful leather western saddle. Every part of it had been tooled. The intricate designs have been carved on it immaculately.

"Wow Al. This is gorgeous!" I gasp "are you sure you don't want extra payment for this?"

"Quite sure Sadie," he reassures me, and passes me Horse's bridle. It matches the saddle, and even the split reins are tooled, "I'll grab the other saddle."

"Other saddle?" I ask, "why does the horse have two saddles?"

"You'll see in a minute. Now go put that stuff in the tack room. I'll meet you there." Al waves me off, and I go to the tack room to put away my amazing new tack. There are about ten saddles left over from when my parents were breeding horses. Twelve bridles, some brushes. No extra haters though. I select a saddle rack, and carefully place the western saddle on it, and hang the beautiful bridle up on a hook.

"Ready to see the second saddle?" Al comes up behind me. He's a holding a saddle but I can't see it because it's covered in a saddle cover. I can tell its a western saddle though. I can see that part of it is lifted up at the front where the horn is.

I nod eagerly. He whips off the blue saddle cover, revealing a long, slender saddle. The horn is about three inches high. A little larger than usual, but it's not that big a difference. It's walnut coloured, and shines brightly. It looks well oiled. The most puzzling thing about the saddle though, are the leather attachments on it. By the cantle, there are thick leather loops on each side. There are two on the back as well. On the back of the saddle seat, is what looks like a wooden...something. It resembles a piece of wood with two holes in it.

"It's beautiful Al... but whats it for? I've never seen a saddle like this!" I say. Yet agin, he answers with,

"You'll figure it out Sadie. Now I better go, so I'll give you his registration papers." Al and I rush over to his truck. He rummages around in the glove compartment until he finds Horse's registration papers.

"Thanks Al," I say taking them from him, "I'll see you around!"

"Bye Sadie." Al hops into his pickup, and drives out of the yard, leaving a trail of dust behind.

AN: Hello:) I edited this one to. I re-read it, and I was like "Holy cow! I made a lot of mistakes!" To save the difficulty of reading it for you guys, I'm switching off auto-correct. It should help a bit! Please comment, vote, fan or criticize! Any suggestions????

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