Chapter Eighteen

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Chapter Eighteen

The ambulance arrives quickly. People clear out of the way as the gate is opened, and the big vehicle drives through. Paramedics dressed in red and white uniforms rush over to Ryan's still body. I lope over on Rain, and jump down while she is still in mid-stride. My shaking fingers release the reins, and I run to the ambulance, Ryan and the paramedics. One man is checking his pulse and heartbeat, while another is loading out a stretcher.

"Is he Ok? How's his head?" I kneel down next to them, and look fearfully at Ryan. His eyelids are closed tightly, and his lips are parted tightly.

"Who are you?" the paramedic checking his pulse asks me gruffly.

"I'm Sadie Lawrence. Ryan's friend." I say, and feel a few tears drift down my cheeks. My eyes wander upwards to the stands and am horrified to see people taking out their phones and cameras. They're videoing this! How can people be so rude and ignorant? I am quite sure that Ryan would be deeply offended.

"How did this happen?" The paramedic asks. How did it happen? I wonder. Of course I know, but how do I out it into words? The paramedic waves to the other and motions for the stretcher to be brought over. "Well?" He asks shortly.

"Well... I heard a huge pop, and a lot of screaming. It set his mare off, and she went crazy, running around the pen and bucking. Then, here near the metal stock gates she reared up, and he smacked his head. She reared a second time, and he hit another time." I explain, trying to fit in as many details as possible.

"That all?" I nod, and step back as the two men set Ryan's limp body on a stretcher. "Excuse me." I step out of the way as they lift it up, and bring it into the ambulance.

"What hospital are you brining him to?" The paramedic steps outside.

"The one downtown." He answers quickly. Peeking inside the doors, I see the other man slipping one of those air masks over Ryan's face.

"Can I come?" I ask, my voice weak, but thick with desperation.

"No. You take care of his horse. She that crazy chestnut running around?" He points to Criss who is galloping around the perimeter of the ring. I nod. "You can come see him later." With that, he jumps into the ambulance, and closes the door. The ambulance's sirens are turned on, and it speeds out of the rodeo grounds. My legs collapse, and I fall onto the sandy ground. Alyssa is by me in a second helping me up.

"He'll be ok, Sadie. Believe me." She wraps her arm around my shoulder and guides me over to Rain.

"I have to catch Criss." I say numbly and walk away from her and try to get near the chestnut mare. Criss won't let me get near though. She sidesteps away, and breaks into a gallop whenever I get close to touching her.

A rodeo employee, rope in hand rides up on a big bay horse. "Need me to rope her?"

I shake my head. "No, I'll do it." My feet shuffle me back over to Rain.

"What are you doing?" Alyssa frowns, and passes me the reins.

"I have to rope Criss." She nods understandingly and steps back as I swing up into the saddle. My hair gets stuck to my face because of my tears. I push it away and set up my rope, then kick Rain into a swift lope towards Criss. My right hand goes up, and I swing the loop above my head and let it fly. It lands gently around the mare's neck. She stops and I tighten it and wrap the rope around the horn for support.

The rodeo guy rides up again. "Got her?"

I pull on the rope and Criss decides to listen and trots over. "Yep."

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