Chapter Sixteen

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Chapter Sixteen

"Next in the ring, we have Sadie Lawrence on her gelding, GW Kitty's Moon Walk!" I take a deep breath, and enter the large outdoor arena. I'm not as worried about this cutting comp as much. Moon is a natural with cows. He has much more cow sense than Jay. Jay and I came first. So will Moon and I. However, I try to not get to sure of myself, and canter Moon up to the steers.

Once I have selected my steer, a white and black one, I guide Moon towards it, carefully maneuvering him through the herd. He singles it out, and dodges around it, pushing it away from the other steers. The steer moos in protest, but Moon gets the better of the stubborn steer and does his job well. If the steer bolts right, Moon gets down real low and does as well. If the steer turns left, so does Moon. I barely have to do anything. Pretty much, I go auto-pilot and let him do the work.

When time is almost up, the steer makes a quick break away, and for the first time ever, Moon is caught off guard. It takes him a few seconds to get ahold of himself, then he gallops after the steer, cuts in front of it, stopping the steer in mid-stride. The steer crashes into Moon, and Moon stumbles back, un-prepared for the sudden weight. I squeeze with my legs. He turns his head slightly, and I see determination in his bright eyes.

"Go get him!" I kick him hard, and recovered from the steers impact, he jumps into a gallop, and stops the steer just before it gets back to the herd. Moon drives it towards the rails, just as time is up. The announcer announcers our score, and it isn't the best. I know for sure we won't hook a first. We end up taking third, which is fine by me. It's not Moon's fault that steer rammed into him.

On a loose rein, I walk from the ring, clutching my third place ribbon in my sweaty fist. Moon protests when we get from the gate; he doesn't want to leave the cows, but I squeeze his sides with my calfs, and reluctantly he walks through. "Good boy." I reach down and scratch his withers. When we are fully out of the arena, I dismount, and lead him the rest of the way back to the stable.

When I loosen the cinch, Moon lets out a large breath of relief and closes his eyes, only opening them when I slip the bit out of his mouth. I sling the saddle over the stall door, and begin to sweep my dandy brush over his fur. He turns his head to look at me. That determined look in his eye is still there.

"Hey handsome." I smile, and reach my hand out to stroke his velvety nose.

"Why thank you!" Ryan's voice startles me, and I jerk my hand back, startled.

"You really think I was talking about you?" I ask him. "Cause I don't like saying things that aren't true."

"It's Ok. Eventually you'll come around, and notice my dashing good looks." He tosses his blond hair to the side.

"Dashing, sure. Do people even use that word anymore? Maybe I'd think you were "good looking" as you say if I were a donkey." I tease, and flip a section of Moon's course black mane to the other side of his neck.

"I never fail to notice how kind you are." Ryan rolls his eyes.

"Ok, ok. What are you doing?" I ask, and set the dandy brush back into the brush bucket and pick up a body brush.

"Nothing. I just finished riding Criss in a reining comp." He informs me.

"Yeah? How'd you guys do?" I ask, already knowing the answer. Criss is the most amazing reigning horse, and Ryan is amazing at riding her. Their bond goes pretty deep. When I see Ryan riding her, it's like his legs almost disappear, and he really does become one with the horse.

"Blue." He says, rather nonchalantly.

"That's better that my third in cutting." I point out and toss the body brush back in the bucket as well. Then I slip Moon's halter off, and exit the stall.

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