Chapter Seventeen

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A/N: Ok, a very quick apology for updating soooooooooo late. I was camping, and as I live somewhere with limited sun, I am outside as much as possible riding whenever it does come out. The past few days it has been sunny. Anyway, here it is! When you're done, please remember to comment, vote and fan. Well.... too the five or so readers I have ;)


Chapter Seventeen

I spent the whole night thinking about Blythe's offer too buy Jay. Part of me was so tempted too accept. She had offered a lot of money. However, on the other side, I don't think that I could bear too part with him! Deciding to set the matter aside for now, I walk down to the stable like I have been doing for the past two days, and stand in front of Jay's stall. My eyebrows furrow when I see he's not there. Curious, I lean my head over the stall door, and gasp.

"Jay!" I cry, and snatch my lead rope from a hook, hanging on the stall door. Fumbling with the bolt, I throw the door open, and feel tears flood my eyes, blurring my vision. Jay is lying on his side, groaning. He's nosing his stomach, and his eyes are squeezed tightly shut. My hand immediately goes to my pocket, and my fingers close around my green phone. With shaking fingers, I open it and dial Al's number.

"Sadie?" Al's voice is patchy and distorted. The reception must be awful. "What's up?"

"Al, I need you here right away!" I say, my voice slightly edgy. "Jay's coliced."

"Calm down, Sadie. I'll be right there. You know what to do in the meantime. Just get him up, and walking." Al advices as his voice becomes much clearer.

"Should I phone the vet?" I nervously bite my thumbnail, and kneel down beside Jay, gently laying a hand on his shoulder.

"Not yet," Al soothes. "Stay calm, and I'll be right over." He hangs up, and I stuff my phone back in my sweater pocket. The tears in my eyes dry up, and I manage to clip the lead rope onto Jay's halter.

"Ok, Jay-Jay. I'm gonna pull, and you're gonna stand up ok?" I clasp my fingers tightly around the rope, stand up and pull. Jay weakly lifts his head up off the hay, and gives me a blank stare. "Jay! Please!" I grunt, and throw all my weight into pulling on the rope. Carefully, Jay rises to his knees, then with a loud grunt pushes himself up. There's a small crowd of spectators by now, and I have to literally push them out of my way in order to get out of the stable. Jay feebly follows behind me. Each step he takes makes him groan, and I wince, feeing horrible. Don't think about it Sadie! I scold myself It may hurt him, and yes he's in pain, but you're helping him. All you're doing is helping him. Just keep him moving. Keep him walking. Don't let him stop.

"Sadie!" Al rushes into the stable, and assesses Jay. "How is the big guy?"

"I don't know. He's doing a bit better now. He was really hurting earlier, but it isn't as bad now," I stop Jay, and scratch his neck under his chestnut mane. He sighs, in a good way his time, and leans into me and runs his face against my chest. "Got an itch?" He bobs his nose in the air, making me smile.

"Yeah, he looks like he'll be fine. Just keep walking him. If he tries to lie down later on, get him up. You don't want him twisting his gut," Al advices. "And don't compete on him today. Or tomorrow if he's still sick."

I nod, and thank Al for coming. When he leaves, I groan. "Well who am I supposed to ride in the team roping?" I ask Jay. He shakes his head. "Don't know? Cause it certainly can't be you."

"It seems that you always enjoy talking to your horses more than me these days." I look up and smile.

"Hey, Lyss. What are ya doin?" Alyssa shrugs, and pulls off her sweater. She secures it around her waist with a simple loose knot.

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