Chapter Three

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Chapter Three

"So, it says that your registered name is Classical Fool. That right?" I ask Horse. I'm reading his registration papers. "And... your sire is Fools Gold, and your dam is Standing Classic. Hmmm... Maybe your barn name should have something to do with music?" Horse isn't really paying attention. He's just chomping on some hay, without a care in the world "I have the feeling that you really couldn't care less, could you?" I ask him.

I go back to the tack room to look at the strange saddle again. It's so weird. What on earth could I use it for? I don't know now, but I do know that I want to try my new horse out. Maybe I'll discover his "secret talent." And maybe find a name at the same time. I can't exactly just call him Horse.

I heft up the western saddle, sling my new bridle over my arm, grab a dandy brush and head over to Horse.

"Let's put this saddle on you, and see what you do," I say. I think Al has already brushed Horse before he brought him over, cause he's bright and shiny, doesn't feel dirty either, but I do a quick once over with the dandy just to be sure there's nothing pokey or anything else that will bother him. Then, I swing the saddle blanket up onto Horse's back. I don't have a halter on him, so this is difficult because he keeps moving around. "Your more difficult to tack up than it was for me to learn jazz," I say and roll my eyes. Hold on a sec. Jazz? I've found his name! "what about Jazz hm? You like that?" Horse rubs his head on my leg, so I take it as a yes. "sounds good!" I then quickly settle the western saddle on Jazz's back, do up the cinch and then bridle him.

When he's tacked up, I bring him out to our largest arena. "Ready Jazz?" I ask him. He doesn't respond of course. "typical," I place my left western boot in the stirrup, and lift myself up onto his back. He shifts slightly, adjusting to my weight, but then stands still. I swing fully up and settle on his back.

Well, I know he's good at being mounted from the left side. Now the right. I dismount, and walk over to his right side. I lift myself into the saddle, and he doesn't do anything.

"Well, I see your good on this area. Let's get you moving now," I squeeze with my thighs, and he sidesteps, as if he doesn't really know what he should do, "walk on Jazz," I cluck with my tongue, and he stays still. I frown. Did Al really sell me a half trained horse? "move on Jazz! We don't have all day!" I tell him.

Jazz flicks his ears back, and walks forward easily. What was it I said? "Whoa Jazz," Jazz stops, in a perfect square halt "move on?" Jazz walks forward again. I whoa him again, tell him to "Move On", and he does. What on earth is Jazz's secret?

I figure that I have finally made enough progress, so I bring him back into the stable, untack him, and brush him down.

"You know that your secret is driving me totally insane, right?" I tell him. He just looks at me, a comical expression on his face. His ears are pricked forward as if he's listening and his eyes are bright. It's then I remember that I need to run down to the tack store and pick up a halter for Jazz. "I'll be back in an hour, Ok buddy?" I say. He just cocks one of his hind hoofs, so I hop into my truck and drive down the bumpy road to "Tom's Tack" a tack and feed store for horses and cattle.

"How are you, miss Sadie?" Tom asks, as I walk into the store.

"I'm great Tom," I say, "yourself?"

"Just the same as usual," he tells me, "you looking for anything in particular? We had a new shipment in today. That bridle you were looking at..."

"Maybe some other time," I laugh, "I'm just here for a halter."

"What would you need a new halter for, if you don't mind my asking? You replaced your horses halters last month."

"I know. I bought a new horse off Al." I say, running my hands over a Wintec saddle.

"Al? What's the horse like?" he asks.

"A quarter horse gelding. Bay. I call him Jazz," I say, "according to Al he has a hidden talent. Hard to find though."

"Well, you're good with horses Sadie. You'll figure it out. Now, you know where the halters are." he turns his back to look at a catalogue, so I walk through the store until I find the wall where all the halters are displayed. There are so many it'll be hard to choose. So many Colours and so many companies! I know that a red would look nice on Jazz but red is just so common. Besides, Jay has a red one.

After about 15 minutes of looking, I finally find what I'm looking for. It's a sky blue rope halter. It'll fit Jazz perfectly. I also select a red lead rope to go with it, and take them up to the counter to pay.

"Did you find all that you were looking for Miss Sadie?" Tom asks, as I hand him the halter and lead rope.

"Yes, I did Tom, thank you." as Tom cashes them in, I allow my eyes to flit around the tack store. It's so beautiful. Gorgeous leather and synthetic saddles. Western and English tack. Amazingly crafted bridles. Oiled reins. D-ring bits and egg-butt snaffles, polished and shiny. Halters and lead ropes of every colour. Lunge whips, brushes, riding boots, helmets, hats, pitchforks... everything really.

"Here you go Miss Sadie. Have a good day now!" Tom passes me a plastic bag which contains the hater and lead rope. I thank him, and leave. It's time to go back. The horses need feeding.

AN: And another chapter successfully edited! Yay:) So what do ya think about it? Think sky blue was the right colour? Random question.... anyways, comment, fan, vote and as always, criticism is welcome:)

-Bella and Moon (my horse)... Randomly put that....

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