Chapter 4: Cookies & Getting to Know You

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They entered the home economics classroom, which of course was completely empty. Their footsteps the only sound as they made their way inside the room. 

"Why is home economics one of the places on the list?", Taehyung questioned, it was completely random.

Hoseok gulped at the question, he definitely couldn't tell him the truth, who knows what this guy would do to him if he knew he lied but he just did it on a spur of the moment. This Taehyung guy was unpredictable and he didn't know how he would react if he told him he had made up the last part of the list just so he had an excuse to give Taehyung some food, he was sure he had skipped lunch and he was a bit worried about him. 

"I don't know, Mr. Kim such is a weird teacher, maybe he wants to make sure you know how to use the oven", Hoseok managed to say without stuttering, he knew he was a horrible liar and anyone could easily tell something was off.

Luckily Taehyung caught on to something else he had said instead, "I'm not stupid, I know how to use an oven".

Hoseok felt relief, he got through it this time. 

"Really? So if we make some food right now you would be able to manage the oven without my help?", Hoseok looked at him teasingly as he made his way over to the rack of aprons.

Taehyung stayed quiet before speaking, "well...maybe I could use a bit of your help", he said sheepishly, Hoseok felt a lighthearted sensation witnessing a new side to the boy.

"but I definitely wouldn't burn down the school or anything like that", Taehyung quickly added, back to his usual way of speaking.

Hoseok laughed and placed the apron around his body. He also grabbed one for Taehyung and made his way over to him.

"That apron suits you", Taehyung commented as he eyed Hoseok. Why was he being teased again?

"...yeah thanks", he replied in a brief manner.

"No I mean it".

Hoseok looked up at him and felt a strange feeling he hadn't felt before creeping up his chest. He wasn't sure if it was because of the compliment or because of the way the new guy stared at him with that intense look. Either way, he wasn't sure how he felt about it, but it definitely wasn't a bad feeling. 

"Thanks, I also brought one for you", Hoseok said as he tossed the white cloth to him. Taehyung caught it easily and gave him a questioning look. "Why am I wearing one too?".

"So your clothes won't get dirty, you don't need help putting it on do you?" Hoseok teased him back as he grabbed a few things out of the counters to prepare something simple. 

Like a child, the reverse psychology seemed to work and Taehyung quickly put on the apron.


Hoseok looked at everything organized and placed neatly on the counter in front of them.

There was a large bowl, a wooden stirring spoon, a metal tray, flour, sugar, butter, eggs, chocolate chips, and vanilla extract. 

"Guess we're making cookies", Taehyung said as he glanced around the table. 

"you would be correct, not just any cookies though, we'll be making my famous cookies", Hoseok started mixing the ingredients together like a professional.

"They're famous? you won some award for them or something?", Taehyung turned the oven on as Hoseok had instructed him a bit earlier. Who knew you had to preheat? 

Hoseok smiled, "well no but Jimin said they're his very favorite in the whole world".

Taehyung rolled his eyes and grabbed the mixing bowl from Hoseok's hands and started stirring with added strength and speed, "just because your brother said he likes them doesn't mean they're famous...or good for that matter".

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