Chapter 14: Football Practice, Part 1

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Hoseok walked along the campus as he made his way to Mr. Kim Seokjin's classroom.

"Hoseok", someone called out to him and he felt a pull on his arm. Looking back to see who it was it was none other than Jeon Jungkook. This was starting to seem very familiar.

"Jungkook? What's wrong?" he asked as he saw the frustrated expression on the taller boy's face and felt the need to know.

The pair stood in the empty hallway for a few seconds before Jungkook finally spoke, "Why didn't you come this morning? I was waiting for you...why were you with him?"

Hoseok pursed his lips, he felt bad. He was pretty sure Jungkook had waited for him like he said he had, and both Jungkook and Jimin had missed morning practice because of him. He knew he had to do something to make it up to them.


He stopped talking when he noticed someone familiar coming their way. Eyes directed straight at Jungkook.

"Ahh my Jungkookie!", the girl from their classroom came rushing over and latched onto Jungkook's arm, "ah~ are you skipping too?! let's skip together! let's go to my house yeah?!". The girl looked delighted and didn't seem to notice the tense atmosphere that had lingered there just a few moments before.

She finally seemed to notice they weren't alone and her smile turned to a frown when she noticed Hoseok standing there.

"What are you looking at?", she hissed "can't you see you're in the way? go away".

Hoseok looked away from the girl to Jungkook, "I'll see you in class Jungkook", he spoke in a soft tone before turning around and walking to his destination.

"Wait", Jungkook said as he pulled his arm away from the clingy girl looking at her before speaking again "get off, you're the one in the way".

He wrapped his hand around Hoseok's small wrist and led the way "come on, let's go to class".

Hoseok looked back to see the girl looking at them with a confused expression on her face, obviously unable to process what had just happened.

"Jungkook are you sure it was okay to say that to her? she seemed upset".

Jungkook looked over with a soft smile on his face, "I really don't get you Hoseok, she was so mean to you and yet you're worried about her, you surprise me, and she upset me first, she got in the way when I was talking to you".

Hoseok smiled, "I think she likes you though, she just wants to spend some time with you but you must be pretty used to this right? you are very popular and cool".

Jungkook paused "you think I'm cool?"

Giggling softly Hoseok couldn't believe that Jeon Jungkook didn't see how cool he really was "of course I do, you're smart, you're good at sports...actually I don't think there's one single thing you're not good at, plus you're handsome too, it might not mean a lot coming from a guy though", Hoseok said as he smiled brightly at Jungkook.

Jungkook turned away from Hobi and hid his face in his hand while the one holding onto Hoseok's wrist just tightened. Leaving Hoseok confused wondering if he had said something he shouldn't have.

"Why are you two just standing around?".

The pair looked back and saw someone they knew quite well.

Taehyung smiled at Hoseok as he walked over to them. Noticing right away how Jungkook was holding onto Hobi's wrist. Doing it in the most obvious way, Taehyung stood between them until Jungkook let go of Hobi and just shrugged as Hoseok looked at him with a soft smile on his cute heart shaped lips.

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