Chapter 6: You're My Neighbor?! Part 2

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Shocked by what he had just witnessed, Hoseok's body instantly moved forward and clung onto Taehyung's white shirt, making sure he didn't lose his balance and fall.

"What are you doing?! Are you crazy? You could have gotten hurt!" he didn't care that he barely knew this guy or that he felt intimidated by his presence, right now Hoseok was just relieved he hadn't fallen and was safe. Taehyung's large frame towered over him and he felt his eyes on him. 

Taehyung took the opportunity and brought their bodies closer together, placing his hands on Hoseok's small waist and pulling him towards him until their chests touched and trapped him in his arms. The taller male brought his face down a bit and in a low husky tone he whispered "are you that worried about me?"

Looking up at the handsome face just a few inches from him before quickly looking back at his chest he softly hit Taehyung's chest with his fist and pouted, "of course, anyone would react the same way".

Humming quietly at the response, Taehyung raised his hand from Hoseok's waist to his chin and brought his face up so they were now staring into each others' eyes. 

"Not anyone", he whispered.

Feeling heated and an unfamiliar feeling bubbling within him again, Hoseok pulled away and headed to his bedroom's door before looking back with an apparent blush on his face.

"I-I'll go heat up your food, I will be back soon", his voice didn't sound confident but he felt it would be impossible with the mood they had just been in. He quickly opened the door before closing it behind him.

Taehyung chuckled and looked around the room.

It was spotless. Not a single item looked out of place, the complete opposite of his own bedroom. The room had a large bed, a study desk with many books on top of it and a few plants scattered around the room to brighten it. It suit him, very clean and proper look but had a hint of energy and brightness. Sitting on the bed and feeling the soft blanket he noticed the smell of vanilla and thought it smelled like him. 

Hoseok returned with a hot plate of food and handed it over, turning around and walking to the chair  by his desk he felt a hand wrap around his and pull him back. Looking over his shoulder he saw Taehyung pat the bed next to him. A silent exchange but clear, Hoseok felt reluctant at first but decided to oblige and sat down on the bed.

Watching with bright and expecting eyes, Hoseok saw as Taehyung tasted his food and smiled when he saw him throw his head back in an exaggerated manner, his eyes closing as if to savor the taste. "How are you not working at a five star restaurant already?"

Hoseok giggled at the comment and felt his body relax. "What are you saying silly~ I'm glad you like it".

"I more than like it, I love this, I could seriously eat this for the rest of my life".

Hoseok's smile grew and he turned down his head as he felt a bit embarrassed. "I have more, if you would like I could pack some for you for lunch tomorrow". 

"Now I have two reasons to go to school tomorrow, thank you", Taehyung licked the last of the remaining food from his fork and walked to the window.

"What's the first?" Hoseok questioned.

Taehyung smirked but didn't say anything else and just like before he jumped over the small space between their bedrooms and landed on his side successfully. It came naturally to him, Hoseok was impressed, if it were him he'd faint before he jumped. 

"Goodnight see you tomorrow, and thanks again for the food, it really was very very good".

Hoseok waved goodnight and closed the curtain hiding him in the privacy of his own room. 

This chapter was shorter than my other ones but I hope you enjoyed, look forward to more updates soon ^^ 

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