Chapter 10: Late Night Texting

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It was now 9 pm and Hoseok was sitting in his room looking over the project notes after he had packed lunch and had made a bit extra for Taehyung. He really wished this project  was going to go smoothly but with how things  had started, it didn't seem that way. He could tell that Taehyung and Jungkook didn't get along and it was going to be tough being the mediator.

Leaning back in his chair and bringing his pencil to his lips he thought about why would Mr.Kim give a group with three males Romeo and Juliet? Who is going to play Juliet? It made no sense but it was a grade and he knew it had to be done. Having good grades was important to him and a little bump in the road wasn't going to stop him from getting an A in the class.

Deciding a good night's sleep was going to clear his mind Hoseok put his notes away in his backpack and grabbed a fresh pair of pajamas from his closet. Like usual he started bringing his shirt over his head but stopped and looked over his shoulder to his balcony window, sighing when he saw the curtains were closed, he knew he would be paranoid about the incident for a while.

Turning off the lights, Hoseok slid under his bed sheets and nuzzled into the soft pillow and just before he was going to fall asleep he quickly grabbed his phone from the bedside table. Opening his alarm app he changed it from 6 am to 5:30 am, remembering he was rushing that morning because of that dream he had. He really couldn't believe that he had that kind of dream, just thinking about it made his face heat up and embarrassment and disbelief was all he felt. Covering his face with his blanket he felt he wanted to hide so that's what he did. The soft text tone of his phone alarmed him and he peeked to the side where he had tossed his phone. Hoseok reached over and grabbed it, it was a text message from a number he didn't recognize.

Sinking further into his pillows he read the unknown text message.

-Unknown: you know no one I know sleeps at 9 pm

Hoseok looked around his room and felt a bit of panic, he had watched enough scary movies to know what this was, someone he didn't know was aware he was in bed, was someone watching him? He was about to block the number and go to Jimin's room when he heard the familiar text tone.

-Unknown: Juliet come to your window, I want to see you.

Juliet?...Hoseok felt relief once he pieced it together. He had forgotten he had given Taehyung his number. Adding the number to his contacts under the name Tae, he started texting him back.

-Hobi: Taehyung right? You scared me! >.<

He really hoped it was Taehyung because if it wasn't, he really was going to have a mental breakdown.

-Tae: who is Taehyung? I'm Romeo, and how did I scare you?

Giggling at the text message, Hoseok's worries went away and was replaced with a bubbly feeling. He never really texted anyone like this before, all his texts to his friends were direct and to the point, and Jimin, the only other person he really texted, would always prefer to call him on the phone rather than text him back.

-Hobi: my bad, Romeo, how did you know I was going to sleep? /:

-Tae: I saw you turned off your lights, I mean...really, no one I know sleeps at 9 pm, when i saw that I had to say something

Hoseok scoffed when he read that message, it wasn't his fault he was used to sleeping at this time.

-Hobi: I wake up early though :(

-Tae: what for?

-Hobi: to study~

-Tae: you really are the model student huh? I was late to school today because I slept in, what would I have to do for you to come over and wake me up?

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