Chapter 17: Cafe Date, Part 2

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Had he heard correctly? The words echoed in his mind, again and again, Hoseok was pretty sure he had understood those words but at the same time it just didn't add up. Tonight was couple day at this cafe, and Taehyung mentioned that he would invite him again knowing what night it was, meaning they would have to be...a couple. 

'Taehyung and me..a couple' 

The simple thought made him feel a bit of fear and happiness at the same time. Fear coming from the fact that he had never dated anyone before, especially not another guy. He never really thought about it too much, his whole life was surrounded with pleasing his family and doing well in school, so having a partner never really invaded his thought, not even the gender. Happiness coming from being able to spend more time with someone that made him feel special, and those butterflies in his stomach would make an appearance whenever Taehyung was around. 

Hoseok looked up to see Taehyung still staring at him but turned his eyes to his own lap. The intense look in his eyes was something that startled and excited him at the same time, but what if he was wrong? What if all these feelings he was going through were all one sided? Taehyung was someone that could have anyone he wanted and he did tease him a lot, maybe he was just playing around. The thought of all this being only in his head made him feel afraid, even if Taehyung was insinuating that he wanted to be together with him.

Hoseok looked up when he felt Tae's hand on his. The gentle touch making him feel safe and calming down his wild thoughts that were currently making a mess of him. A soft smile appeared on Taehyung's handsome face, a smile that reassured him that everything was going to be okay. 

"Hey, it's fine you don't have to answer me right now. I know I just sort of said it without thinking but I'll just let you know it's something that has been on my mind for a while now, I really do want to get to know you better and how about for now I'll pretend to be your boyfriend?"

The questioning expression on Hoseok's face led to Tae pointing at the menu, his finger right next to the words 'couples only'.

Realization hit. Of course, they would not be allowed to stay if the staff found out they weren't a couple. Looking around the cafe it seemed that everyone was paired up. The couples were all very affectionate with each other, holding hands, feeding each other, and a lot of laughs and smiles shared between each other. 

"Are you sure?" Hoseok asked, "I don't want to put you in an uncomfortable position".

Taehyung chuckled quietly to himself, I guess what he had heard had seemed amusing to him. "You still don't get it huh?" Taehyung said with an almost sad expression on his face but that expression vanished almost instantly and was replaced with one of strong determination, accompanied with confidence "It would be my honor to play your boyfriend, please let me do this".

The sincerity in Taehyung's eyes made them sparkle and witnessing this made Hoseok feel like this was much more than faking being his boyfriend so they could stay and enjoy the sweets at this cafe. 

"Thank you. I'll also try my best".

Taehyung winked and he laced his fingers with Hoseok's. 

"You two are the cutest couple".

They both looked up to see the girl from earlier standing next to their table. She wore the same grin and seemed to be enjoying her job a little too much. 

"Th-thank you", Hoseok muttered as he looked at his hand which was currently intertwined with the boy in front of him. 

She turned to Taehyung who was smiling fondly at the sweet scene from his "boyfriend".

"Your boyfriend is so cute", she squealed, earning a few looks from the nearby tables.

"Yeah, he's the cutest", Taehyung replied. He could feel Hoseok's blush, his soft hand getting warm, Hobi's body seemed to get warm when he was feeling particularly embarrassed. It was endearing and it just made Taehyung want to push further to see how far he could take this. Barriers were meant to be pushed after all. 

 The girl looked back to see her angry manager giving her a look that said 'hurry up and get their order'. 

"Ah what can I get you two? We are known for our Red Velvet cake and our teas are famous in this area". She pointed at their menu to the multiple array of pictures.

Taehyung hadn't even really looked at the menu, he had been too preoccupied with just being in front of the boy that infiltrated his thoughts day and night. Whatever he ordered would be fine with him, after all he didn't come here for the food.

"Baby, what do you want to eat? Get anything you want"

Hoseok eyes widened at the sudden nickname but tried to hide it, he was pretending to be his boyfriend after all. 

"Um I'll have the red velvet cake and the earl gray tea". Hoseok smiled at Taehyung who was smiling back at him. The expression on their faces shared an intimacy that seemed to transport them to a world with only them. 

She scribbled a few notes down and turned to Taehyung.

"I'll have the same thing", he said, not once looking away from Hoseok.

She wrote a small note, "I'll go ahead and bring those out to you soon", she said and walked away with a huge grin on her face. 

"I'm sorry, I tried to play along too but it came out awkward, do you think she suspected anything?" Hoseok asked.

Taehyung scoffed, "did you see her? we could have told her we're not actually dating and she probably wouldn't believe us, don't worry about anything, if someone doesn't believe us I'll just get up and kiss you".

"w-what? kiss? Taehyung we're in public, you can't do that", Hoseok said almost panicking at what he had just heard. 

Tae started laughing, "so that's what bothers you? so you're saying if we were anywhere private you would let me kiss you?"

Hoseok really was trying to stay as calm as possible but how was that possible when Taehyung kept teasing him, stroking his hand, calling him baby, winking at him, and speaking to him in that deep voice of his. Was this how it would be to have him as his boyfriend? The idea of actually being able to call Taehyung his and he would be Taehyung's was like a dream, but that's all it was, a dream. He would soon wake up and find that reality and dreams were very different. He wanted to be bold like Taehyung but that just wasn't in his nature, he knew sometimes insecurities and fear ruled over him like a plague, he wanted to say yes, that a kiss, his first kiss, would be, it would be...something he wanted.


Author Note: Thanks to everyone that has been leaving kind comments on this story, it really makes me happy that people are enjoying this. There will be a part 3 coming soon (: 

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