Chapter 12: Late for School, Part 1

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"what?!", Hoseok felt the color drain from his face when Taehyung had just said that clock was an hour behind...that meant..he was late for school..really late.

"I'm sorry, I really should have fixed it by now but as you can see from my room", he motioned around him at the dirty room, "it's not really my biggest priority, don't freak out please, I'll go get changed really quickly and then we can go, I promise I won't take long", and with that Taehyung grabbed his uniform off the floor and started walking to the bathroom. Even if his room was a mess, he sure did know where all the mess was located.

Hoseok just stood there frozen, he didn't even have time to freak out right now. He grabbed his phone and checked to verify the time to make sure he wasn't dreaming, well more like having a nightmare right now. 

Just as Taehyung had said, it was an hour later but that's not the main thing that caught Hoseok's attention, it was more like the notification on his phone that he had 40 missed calls from Jimin. 

'Oh no' 

Just as he was about to call his brother back, Jimin beat him to it as his phone started to vibrate in his hand. Gulping he answered. 


"oh my god I got through!.. ARE YOU ALRIGHT HOBI-BRO!?" 

Hoseok had to pull his phone from his ear a bit because Jimin was shouting. 

"Jiminie, I'm so sorry, yes I'm alrig-"

"Don't worry bro, whoever took you will get his ass whooped, we're ready".

Confused out of his mind, Hoseok had to clear up a few things to his brother.

"Jimin, I'm fine please don't scream, I didn't get kidnapped".

"Are you sure? where are you then? I thought you took the bus but I didn't see you here at school, I even asked Yoongi and Namjoon but they hadn't seen you either, I really thought you got kidnapped".

Hoseok didn't know how his brother always came up with these weird scenarios. He had to give it to him, he did have a vivid imagination. 

"I'm really fine though, plus I wouldn't get kidnapped".

"What? of course you'd get kidnapped Hobi, you're so oblivious and trusting and cute..and, you'd follow anyone if they asked, I really don't like you walking anywhere by yourself".

Hoseok could tell his brother was worried, he sometimes didn't even feel like the older brother when he was this protected by Jimin. 

"Again, I'm really sorry Jimin, I didn't get kidnapped though, I promise".

He could hear Jimin sigh in relief before he spoke, "well that's good, we were really worried".


"Yeah, me and Jungkook, he's here with me right now, we were both searching for you and-" he suddenly stopped talking and Hoseok heard muffled voices from Jimin's end, "fine fine stop being so pushy". 


"Hoseok where are you?"


"..I'm at Kim Taehyun-"

"I'm coming to pick you up-ouch.......I mean me and Jimin are coming to pick you up".

"What? wait-"

beep beep 

The phone went dead, signaling Jungkook had hung up on him. Hoseok tried calling back but it always went straight to voicemail. 

"What's going on? Was that your brother?" Taehyung said as he came out of the bathroom, fully dressed in his uniform and looked all ready to go. 

"Yeah, he was really worried, he thought I got kidnapped for some reason".

Taehyung chuckled and gave Hoseok a knowing look, "sorry but I can kind of see why your brother would think that".

"What is that supposed to mean?", Hobi asked with a pout.

"Just forget it, you won't understand even if I tried to explain it to you, anyway..what did your brother say?"

Hoseok sighed before answering, "Jungkook and Jimin are coming to pick us up".

"That's a bit excessive don't you think? we could just walk to school it's not that far".

Nodding along to his words, Hoseok definitely agreed, he didn't want Jungkook and Jimin skipping class to come pick him up.

"I also feel that way, I tried calling back but they didn't answer".

Taehyung grabbed Hoseok's hand and held it for a bit before pulling him along towards the exit of his bedroom, "well let's go downstairs and wait for them to get here".


The pair headed down the stairs and then Hoseok remembered something important. Opening his backpack he grabbed a plastic bag with breadcrumbs in it.

"Hey Taehyung I want you to meet someone..well two someones", Hobi said as he gave Tae one of his beautiful smiles that made him instantly smile back. 


This time Hobi was the one that grabbed the taller boy's hand and pulled him towards the backyard. "Just follow me, you'll see".

Walking further back into the yard until they hit the line of bushes Hobi crouched down and Taehyung almost missed what he was looking at because they were so small. 

"Mang, Tata I have someone here with me that will give you your food today", Hoseok coo'd at the baby birds who started chirping.

"You're taking care of these birds?", Taehyung also crouched down next to him shoulders almost touching. 

"Yeah, they were abandoned here and I made them this small house as like a makeshift nest for them, I didn't want to move them from here in case their mom returns for them", Hobi started stroking the baby bird's head as he spoke. He reached over and handed Taehyung the bird's food, motioning for him to feed them. 

Just like he instructed, Taehyung gave them their food and loved watching them eat. It was so peaceful.

"So you're basically like their mom now".

Hoseok nodded and smiled at the comment, "yeah I guess I am".

Taehyung looked from the two birds to Hoseok who was currently looking at the birds but looked up and met Taehyung's eyes when he felt the feeling of Taehyung's stare on him, "Then can I be their dad?"


Author Note: I'll update again tomorrow for the second part to this chapter (: thank you for reading. 

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