Chapter 16: Cafe Date, Part 1

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"Are you sure this is where you want to eat?" Taehyung asked as he looked at the place Hoseok had suggested, it was a place he never thought he would step a foot in. They stood outside a sweets cafe.They peeked inside and saw a very stylish cafe with tables dressed in white lace linens and delicious looking pastries. The lighting was tasteful and many flowers surrounded the area, giving a fresh aroma that complimented the pastries. It was starting to get a bit dark because it was the evening and the area had a romantic atmosphere to it. The place was definitely popular seeing as they were now standing in line. A lot of couples stood in line with them; many of which gave them weird looks.

Hoseok nodded, he wanted to try this place for a while but never had a good chance to go and this was one of those places that did not serve a seat for one. Thinking about it, would he even have the courage to come eat here alone? Well that didn't matter much right now because this boy beside him was willing to come eat here with him and that made him feel content and appreciate the kind gesture. He still felt that he didn't deserve to be treated to a meal by Taehyung, he really didn't even do what was asked of him and getting rewarded for doing nothing was not something he wanted to get accustomed to. Taehyung had already refused to let Hoseok pay for himself.

"Yes I've heard the cakes here are amazing, unless you want to eat somewhere else, I rea-", Hoseok stopped talking when Taehyung lightly pressed a finger to his lips. Silencing him and making Hoseok gulp at the same time.

"Like I said before, I'm treating you today, you could have suggested anything and I'd agree to it because it was you that suggested it".

He wanted to melt, melt completely on the spot where he was standing. How could Taehyung say those kind of lines to him so effortlessly and expect him to not rethink everything in life. He felt the strong urge to grab onto the large hand that was so close to his but he quickly pushed that thought to the back of his head when he again realized where they were. Surrounded by many people who were already whispering and looking in their direction. He didn't know if it was because there weren't many males in the line or the fact that he had brought a very handsome Kim Taehyung along with him. Hoseok figured it was a mixture of both. He noticed many girls in the line were staring quite intensely at Taehyung, even if they were standing next to what looked to be their boyfriend.

Taehyung noticed Hoseok's mind was elsewhere. He also noticed that many eyes were fixed on him, a lot of girls weren't even trying to hide it but what bothered him the most was that Hoseok seemed oblivious to the stares on himself. He knew this boy felt insecure about himself and was the oblivious type, not really noticing the way all those men looked at him, he really didn't know how beautiful he was and it was such a shame, but he'd change that, even if Hoseok rejected him, he would still carry on with that plan. He wanted nothing more than to wrap Hoseok in his arms and tell all these people that Hoseok was his but he knew Hoseok was the type of person to get embarrassed easily and might scare him off. Treading carefully was something he wasn't used to as many of his previous relationships were pretty much one sided with his partner doing all the work. This was the first time he was doing the pursuing, it was different, it was exhilarating. Hoseok was making him feel many firsts.

"Thanks again for coming here with me", Hoseok spoke, breaking Taehyung from his thoughts.

"You don't have to thank me, I did promise I would treat you to any place you wanted".

"I've heard this place is really good and wanted to try it for a while, ohh look we're next", Hoseok said as he pointed at the door.

A girl with a fake smile and a classy french maid uniform walked up to them but her fake smile disappeared to a grin when she noticed her next guests.

"Welcome! Oh my~ you two are quite cute, come follow me to your table", she smiled at them and walked the pair to a nearby table that overlooked the entire cafe, giving them a good view of the open space.

"Here are your menus, I'll give you a few minutes to look over everything and I'll come back to get your order, also I wanna say you two are so brave, I'm cheering for you", she winked at them and walked away with a big grin on her face.

Well that was strange. Hoseok looked around the beautiful cafe and felt glad that he had suggested they come here, that happy feeling disappearing when he felt all the gazes and stares from practically every table nearby. Saying he felt uncomfortable would be an understatement.

Leaning closer to Taehyung he whispered softly, "Taehyung, why is everyone staring at us? Do I have something on my face again?"

Taehyung who was busy looking at the menu looked up with a slight smirk on his face. Did he know something? Hoseok felt confused, was he imagining things or was he just being paranoid?

"Open your menu Hoseok".

Grabbing the menu and turning the large plastic cover he found a large heart shaped sign in the very middle. The letters turned to words and Hoseok had to read it repeatedly to make sure he was reading it correctly.

Special Event Today Only - Couple Day (6 pm-12 pm) Couples only 1/2 price entire menu~!

Taehyung stared at Hoseok with amusement, how could a human being be this adorable? he thought as he looked at Hoseok's eyes dart from left to right, reading the same words again and again. He wanted to laugh but he knew this wasn't the best moment, especially knowing that Hoseok was probably internally panicking right now. He decided to lighten the mood with some humor.

"Sooo~ Hoseok you invited me here knowing it was couple day? Quite bold aren't we? If you wanted to go on a date with me you should have just said so".

Hoseok looked up with big eyes.

"Tae-Taehyung n-no you're misunderstanding I-"

The endearing scene playing in front of Taehyung's eyes was something he couldn't even picture in his wildest dreams, a very flustered and sweet Hoseok trying to state his case. Failing but trying anyway, Taehyung wondered if he got this flustered while doing other things too.

Maybe he was pushing this too far, he felt a bit bad. Tae reached his hand out and grabbed Hobi's hand that was tightened into a small fist. He easily enveloped his hand in his and the action caused Hoseok to slightly pull his hand away but Taehyung had a good grip and held it firmly.

"Hey don't worry about it", he said as he softly stroked the top of Hobi's hand with his thumb.

Hoseok seemed to relax to the touch, "Taehyung, I would not have suggested this place if I knew".

The small stroking motion stopped and the grip tightened slightly around his hand, "what if I told you I would?"


"Hoseok, what would you say if I told you I would invite you here knowing full well what was going on tonight?"

This question..why was he asking him this question. All the embarrassment he was feeling just moments ago was gone and he looked at Taehyung who was staring at him with such intensity that it made him squirm in his seat. That wasn't the face of someone who was just teasing him or joking around..did that mean he...

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