Chapter 7: Class Project, Part 1

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Leaning against the large window, Hoseok sighed and thought about the guy that was just standing in this same spot just seconds ago. He still felt that strange lingering feeling he felt anytime he was around Kim Taehyung and he knew it would be a thought that would stay in the back of his mind for a while.

Hoseok grabbed the dirty dishes and walked downstairs to clean up and pack their lunch for tomorrow, making sure to not forget to pack an extra one for Taehyung, he smiled at the thought of how much he had enjoyed his cooking. Now he could proudly say Jimin wasn't the only fan of his cooking.

He made his way back to his bedroom and started changing into his blue and white striped pajamas and this time made sure he wasn't being watched. Going to his bed and snuggling into the warm blankets, he knew there would be a strong possibility of his dreams being about a certain someone.


Hoseok rushed down the stairs as he fixed his uniform and headed to the kitchen, he saw Jimin was already dressed and was eating a bowl of cereal, he must be waiting for Jungkook to come pick him up again.

"Whoa, this is rare, Hobi bro being the one that's late for once, you better hurry Jungkook is almost here", Jimin pointed out and giggled at his brother's panicked expression.

"I'm sorry Jiminie, I overslept but thankfully I packed your lunch last night".

Jimin grabbed his lunch from the counter and stuffed it into his backpack, he paused when he saw an extra lunch had been packed along with his and his brother's.

"Hobi bro, why is there an extra lunch?"

Hoseok looked up as he had been putting on his shoes and remembered he had packed that extra lunch for Taehyung. "It's kind of a long story, I'll tell you later ok? anyways, I have to go feed Mang and Tata, you go ahead Jimine, I'll take the bus today...I don't wanna hold you two back".

Hoseok rushed out the back door and started making his way to the neighbor's house when he suddenly paused and remembered...that house had owners now. He would be trespassing onto private property. But...he couldn't leave Mang and Tata without any food. He looked around before sliding his body past the broken fence and very carefully made his way over to the baby birds. "hi~ Tata, hi~ Mang, I'm breaking the law for you two but I have to make sure you two eat ok?", he softly whispered to the two birds and gave them their food. He loved watching them eat, it was such a peaceful scene to him.

Hoseok felt a strong grip on his upper arm and almost screamed but stopped himself when he noticed who it was.

"Come on let's go, I don't wanna be late for practice".

Hoseok looked startled, half of it was the fact that he got surprised and the other by the fact that Jungkook was willingly approaching and talking to him.

"Jungkook, didn't Jimin tell you I'm taking the bus?"

Jungkook sighed and started slightly tugging on his arm, "yeah he did but I can't let you take the bus". Hoseok followed along as Jungkook led them to the open gate fence. "Uh-you know i'm already picking up Jimin, it would be a waste to not bring you along too", Jungkook added before clearing his throat.

Hoseok was distracted by the fact that Jungkook had just walked into this stranger's backyard to get him, this community had recently gotten upgraded locked gates on all the backyard fences that needed a passcode to open- "Jungkook, how did you get access code to the gate?"

Jungkook looked at him for a brief second before speaking, "my mom is the one that sold this house and she has a list to all the locks, the new owners still haven't reset the code".

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