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2:47 pm:
    She's doing some dumbass shitfuck again...

2:47 pm:    She's doing some dumbass shitfuck again

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3:49 pm:

*sigh* DUMBASS BITCH! Also, about an hour ago she made me clean up my dog's pee, which I usually don't do

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*sigh* DUMBASS BITCH! Also, about an hour ago she made me clean up my dog's pee, which I usually don't do... we really need to put our dog to sleep, because she's honestly useless, annoying, stupid, and idiotic. She's always peeing and pooping in the house bc she doesn't know how to fucking hold it in, as she is a retard. She barks because she "wants to go outside" and when we open the door, she stares at us like we're dumbasses when she's the dumbass. She is slow as fuck, and when we try to pass her, she gets "scared" and speeds up to get away, which makes it completely worse. And, it feels like every time someone is waking in the kitchen, she always walks in front of them, and I'm like "Bitch, dafuk?!" Anyway, she's 13 (or 14 I don't know) and you [the reader] are probably gonna think "Well, she's just old." No bitch, no. Plus, if I want to be a Vet when I become an adult, my mom said it was good for me to see an animal get put to sleep, so we needed to at some point, but it hasn't happened for 3 weeks and I'm so fucking done with it - and, if she was gone, 65% of the hair/fur problem in my house would be GONE! Oh my gosh, MAGIC!!! And so then I might not have to keep a hair roller at school in my locker... Oh well, I have crap tons of homework...

11:25 pm:
Whelp. I have nothing to "document" right now, so I'll see you guys in the next chapter. Also, nothing much has happened, so that's why I haven't been updating, which is a good thing for me, because it gets this book off my chest and Veronica isn't pissing me off 24/7 at least. I got done with my homework at like 9:40 pm or so, hahaha, I hate it.

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