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2:24 pm:

    Yep she's back

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    Yep she's back. Fuck me in the ass. Please. I'm done. Nope. Goodbye, having enjoyable nights with actual sleep and no crying...


1:35 pm:

    What the fuck... I'm hiding from Veronica because I've made a plan to start avoiding her at all costs. Now I'm just laying on the floor of my closet typing this and the bathroom door is wide open with the light on and her room door is wide open with the light on too but I have no clue where she's at and I just wanted to play a roleplay with Nightmareofthelight2 (on Xbox obviously) like really Veronica?! Plus I left my phone on the couch and I charged my iPod yesterday (iPod Touch 5) so I could do a musical.ly and luckily it's still charged so I can type this and try to survive! I NEED HELP!

1:44 pm:

    Sorry about how bad it sucks my iPod camera is ass

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    Sorry about how bad it sucks my iPod camera is ass... but still... what the hell is actually happening? There's no noise! What the fuck?!

7:43 pm:

I've been back on my phone but I've been at the mall and I just found this scrolling on instagram:

I knew she got a tattoo but what the hell? The caption states (if I click 'more') something about how this has been in her heart for a while or something and I'm like completely confused and this is kinda retarded and wasteful not I gonna lie

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I knew she got a tattoo but what the hell? The caption states (if I click 'more') something about how this has been in her heart for a while or something and I'm like completely confused and this is kinda retarded and wasteful not I gonna lie...

10:29 pm:

    I guess I'm publishing this now, I have a lot of work to do on Nick's Secret because I have nothing for chapter 9 and I have to update in 3 days, practically 2. See you guys in the next chapter, whenever that may be.

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