Start the Day Right

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A ray of sunlight that was able to peek through the curtains of Nakajima Yuto's bedroom shone upon his bed and aimed right on his face. With a scruched up expression, his eyes slowly opened up and tried to avoid the light that was on him. With his left arm, he covered his face and tried to go back to sleep but he wasn't able to. So instead he turned his head to the left and was met with the most amazing view he could ever see.

Yamada Ryosuke.

Ryosuke is still sleeping so soundly like a baby. His head is rested on Yuto's left arm while his own arm was loosely wrapped around the taller's waist. His breathing was even and steady. Yuto felt so happy just to stare at Ryosuke's face. Now, nothing can make his day bad.

Yuto is caressing the shorter's cheek and looking lovingly at him. Ryosuke squirmed a bit with the touch but instead of moving away, he moved even closer to Yuto, nuzzling on his neck and tightened his hold on the taller's waist then this time, Ryosuke wrapped his left leg on his boyfriend's right one. Yuto could feel Ryosuke's exhaling on his neck and it tickled him a bit. It also swelled his heart like it were to explode any moment. He also started running his hand on Ryosuke's hair soothingly and landed a soft kiss on his forehead.

"What time is it?" Ryosuke softly mumbled. His eyes were still closed.

"I think it's probably 8 in the morning?" Yuto answered him then gave his forehead another kiss. "You still wanna go back to sleep?"

"Hmm? No. But I just wanna stay like this for a while." It's been two weeks since their last cuddle. Ryosuke was so busy with his drama filming and promotion that they barely even have time to see each other. Calls and text messages would be exchanged everyday though. A simple 'good morning' or 'good luck at work!' is enough for them. Yes, they do miss each other so much but it can't be helped that they can't see each other everyday because of their hectic schedule.

Yesterday night though, Ryosuke's filming finished early and he right away called Yuto telling him he's going to his apartment and they'll have dinner. Ryosuke arrived twenty minutes after and when he saw Yuto, he flung himself to his embrace, dropping the bags of groceries on the floor.

"I missed you." Yuto inhaled the shorter's scent which he missed dearly. Ryosuke smelled like roses and it always made Yuto calm and energized at the same time.

"I missed you too." Ryosuke answered him back. He pulled away a bit from Yuto then cupped his cheeks. He gave the taller a wide smile and slowly reached up to land a soft kiss on his lips.

"You know that's not enough." Yuto said with an inch of space between their lips. A smile was adorned on his face.

"Hmm? Really?" His boyfriend really loved to tease. He kept on leaning his face back and forth to Yuto's trying to lessen their gap but then pulling back afterwards. Yuto was pouting because Ryosuke wouldn't kiss him more.

"Ok ok. You win." Yuto's smile was back then he leaned in but Ryosuke cupped his face and stopped him from claiming his lips. "On one condition." He added.


"Help me cook dinner." Ryosuke smiled sheepishly at him. Even without the condition, Yuto would happily help Ryosuke cook. "Only that? No problem, baby." Yuto pulled Ryosuke's hands from his cheeks and leaned in to claim his lips. He rested the shorter's hands on his shoulders while his were on Ryosuke's waist, closing their gap more while their lips entangle with one another.

After their little lip locking session, they headed to the kitchen, without forgetting to pick up the groceries that Ryosuke dropped on the floor earlier, and made dinner together. Yuto really couldn't get his hands off his lover. From time to time he would wrap his arms around the shorter's waist and rest his chin on his shoulder, looking over his cooking. Ryosuke would sometimes scold him when his movements were restrained.

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