Requiem for a Forest

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A canopy suspended;
Lush green overhead
Sweet sap flowing through
When by sapsuckers you're bled.

Entangled roots
Connecting all life
One creature's success
Is another one's strife

The sunbeams, they dance
Through flickering leaves
And the small songbirds play
Between branches on the breeze.

There is balance here.
One only dies to become part of another.
The cycle of life
Continued by the Earth Mother

Then monsters descend
And chew up the ground
Making uncloseable wounds
And impacts profound

All life is lost
Not just those you cut down,
Because all is connected.

Face the seeds you have sown
With each crack of wood
The forest wreathes in pain.
Until the ghost of silent agony
Is all that remains.

The death of a forest is a torturous one,
Becoming shadows of a past
From which we cannot run.

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