hello stranger we meet again

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"demi's pov"

i was starting to plan on my tour i had everything done but i felt something was missing i needed the IT factor and i didnt realize it until now i needed my best friend to be in it its not selena nor marissa it was NICk i needed him he was the only obe who understiid me even if i didnt talk ...he would look me in the eye and he would know exactly what i wanted but i felt a little weird its been a year since i talked to him i decided to drive by to his house and give him my offer

-arriving to nicks house-

i got out of the car and rang the bell ... i thought nick would answer but it was miss fucking universe who answered ....she wanted to say hi to me but i ignored her and asked for nick instead ....after a few minutes he came to me off course i hugged him and off course he had to kiss olivia i asked him if i can talk to him alone

"the conversation"

n(nick) _ d(demi)

d-can i talk to u alone

n-sure whats up

d-how are you its been a year since we last talked

n-fine...i know i missed u like crazy

d-good because i have an offer for u

n-for you anything

d-thanks ..... i was wondering if u would like to be a part of me neonlights tour


AN-gonna stop writing for a while

uggghhh im having my finals now

wish me luck "thanks"

please coment and vote

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