who is ur girlfriend/boyfriend?

867 15 2

"nick's pov"

i cant believe i just kissed demi ...  our lips complete each other ...she was my missing jigsaw to complete my puzzle

*weeks passed*

i went to my parents house cause its been a month since i last saw them .... just as i was just to knock the door it opened by it self and i saw my mom with tears in her eyes welcoming me into one her hugs i hugged her back i really did miss her and as usual i hand-shake my dad....frankie jumped on my back and i fell over

"denise's pov"

i am so happy nick is here i missed him alot he is my baby boy ... i could read him like a book nick was so happy ...... i heard he left olivia finally he opened his eyes ... i wonder who is that new girl that changed him ... i can see the love in his eyes .... after nick unpacked his bag he came to help me in the kitchen

(De-denise. N-nick)

de-so nick who is ur girlfriend now?

n-who told u i am seeing someone?

de-come on nick i am ur mom i can read u like a book

n-fine i wont tell u her name you have to meet her and her family....does saturday sounds good?

de-yeah off course ... i am so happy for u

n-come on mom ..... i know u never liked olivia but i have a feeling that u r going to love her


"demis pov"

nick and i really loved each other i dont know what will happen if he left my life nick went to his parents and i told him i would go to dallas for a few days i wanted to see my family too ..... once my plane landed i texted nick telling him that i got there .... just as i was about to keep my phone in my back i got tackled to the ground by a purple headed maddie .... i missed this little girl so much .... she is my baby girl .... my sister .... after our crying mess i hugged dallas ... and of course she picked on me a bit .... the i hugged eddie he really is the father i never had i wish he was my biological father sometimes...... and last i hugged my mom not only she is my mom but she is my hero .... my savior .... without her i would be dead know ...god knows what could've happened if she didnt find my blade ....


d-i missed y'all

m-yeah right we missed u more

da-nah i didnt miss u at all

dm-yeah right ... when u heard she was coming home u were jumping up and down all day

d-awww i missed u too big sis

da-no biggie can't a sis miss her sis ... its lonley in the house i cant pick on u ... there is only maddie and trust me u dont wanna pick on this girl

m-yeah I would love to see you try

e-okay girls lets get going before we grt mobbed by demis fans

*At the car*

d-i am thinking of getting my hair dyed pink... what do yall think??

m-u can pull of any colour

da-yea u could br like candyvato

dm-what the hell is candyvato

d-mom every colour i get gets q nickname

m-yeah she has many. for example....rockovato.....sexavato......redovato....blueavoto......brownavato....and the list goes on

dm-seriously they call u sexavato?

d-yeah i guess my lovatics turn lesbian for me

da-omg r u serious

e-didnt u read the comment she has on twitter

m-yeah they r like ... marry me demi....lesbian for demi.....demi i wanna have ur baby I'm still trying to figure out the last one tho

d-my boyfriend would get jealous

dm-who wilmer??

d-no not wilmer after he called me a bitch u want me to give him a second chance not on my dead body

da-who is he then?

d-i cant tell u but if u want we could meet him and his family on saturday

e-off course ... i have to see if he is alright

d-dont worry dad he will be perfect

m-whats his name?

d-i cant tell u or u will know him

da-oh so we already met him

d-just shut the fuck up stop asking me questions .... its not a pop quiz

dm-demi watch ur language

d-srry mom

dm-its okay

*at home *

"demis pov"

.i went to facetime with nick ... i told him bout everything

n-soo demz i told my patents to come over at saturday they don't know u r my girlfriend so they want to see u

d-funny.... i told my parents the same so yeah we can meet them ...allthough i meet them already

n-i know..... i hope they will accept our relationship

d-dont worry they will and guess what i have been doing my research even our fans wants us to get togther.... they ship us as NEMI

n-really i saw some NEMI topics but i didnt know who the hell were they talking about

d-mom is calling gotta go see u after two days babe


n-see u too gosh i wish i could kiss u right now

d-me too ... keep updated on twitter i might send u a tweet that only u will know that its about u


n-KAY see u i guess

d-"muwah" bye babe

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