a gift of a friend

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"demis pov"

i went to him TRENTON


i was in school getting bullied as usaual i was waiting for him near the school door cause he didnt walk with me to school as usual i asked his friends if they saw him but no one saw him not anyone in his grade, not the teachers, not my friends, which turned my stomach in knots. As i was about to walk home, i got a call from my mom. my mom was crying, and told me that Trenton had died. i didn't believe and ran home. my mother hugged her tightly, as the ambulances surrounded my house, and Trenton's house. i ran over to his house, and i saw his body. i didn't think he looked like the Trenton i knew. The Trenton i had loved. i fell to my knees crying, and mom just held mr. After a while, my mother explained what had happened. Trenton had hung himself with his belt, because of how bullied he was. i immediately blamed herself, wishing i could've helped him, even just one little sentence, i was convinced, could've changed his mind. And that's when i admitted to had fallen in love with Trenton. my first love, ripped away from me. i never got to tell him, i was too scared, but i always wondered how he felt about me, but now i would never get to know. That's what pushed me over the edge, and that first night- i cut for the first time. It felt to het like the pain was flowing out of me, so i kept doing it.

*end of flashback*

"hey trenton how are u ?"i asked as if he could answer me

"i came here because i needed my bestfriend,i am trying to stay strong only for u , i miss u so much and i would never imagine my life without you why did u leave me ...i know that its gods plan but i need u so much ... i came her today because of nick u know the nick i love today was the party for me cause i will go on tour tommorow he came here with a girl a week after telling me his feelings and going out of rehab ......"

i cant talk anymore my heart is hurting so much i was crying and hugging his graveston uncontrollably i felt huge arms lift me up but i just kept crying i didnt care who it was i was such a mess

"demi look at me"the voice said

"i cant "i said crying again

i felt his soft lips against mine , it was nicks i was trying to pullaway but i cant do it he kissed me passionatly and i kissed him back

"demi i love you and always will...the girl back there was joanna ur new backup singer i wanted her to meet u and i am sorry i didnt call or text u at all u blocked my phone number ...... "he said

i just stood up and looked at him and then i turned around and started walking away slowly

"nicks pov"

i knew where demi was she always told me she would go to TRENTON when ever she was feeling sad and lonley i saw her hugging his gravestone i picked her up and started talking to her but

she was walking away

"demi please come here "

she just frooze in her spot

"demi i love u i was an ass for going to that fucking party i was an ass for making u jealous i never wanted to be the guy that broke u .... as much as u are in pain now i am too i cant handle seeing u like htat ... i am ur bestfriend i was suppossed to help u but instead i made everything worse i hate myself everyday because of how much i hurt u and i hated myself more when u compared me to joe and wilmer u know i wouldve never done that to u demi I LOVE YOU"i said

she turned around and started walking to my direction she came near my face our lips were inches away from each other she looked into my eyes and wrapped her arms around my neck and my hands automatically held her waist and then i pulled her in to the most passionate kiss we ever had as soon as her lips touched mine fireworks were everywhere the butterflies in my stomach were increasing ... i lick her bottom lips asking for entrance which she gave me after a few minutes the moment out tounges touched i felt the shiver grow into my entire body she won the battle with my tounge and then we broke apart for air

after catching our breaths

"WOW demi "was all i managed to say

"what date is it today?"she asked

"26-7-2014.why?"i asked

"cause it is the day i decided to give u another chance "she said

"r u serious "

"yes i am "she said

i kissed her again but this time i lifted her off the ground and i was twirling aroung while kissing her

"but you must promise me onething "she said

"anything"i said

"you have to promise me that u will never ever play with my heart again cause u know how fragile it is and that we will try to make our relationship work cause nick I LOVE U TOO"she said

"i promise u demi ... from today onwards i will be careful with u and ur heart now ... i wont ever leave u even if we had a fight .... i will try my best to be careful with u .... and i will do what ever it takes to keep our relationship work"i said

"ok now i trust u again"she said

we were just standing in the moonlights looking into each others eyes

"we should go now ... but i want us to be a secret until later "she said

"anything for u "i said

and with that we went

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