im not sure if I can do it

473 14 1

"demis pov'

it was lunch time now we had to go eat u I dont know what is worse eating or eating with nick their he is the reason I ended. up here again but I still love him the way he smile the way he talks the way he blushes slightly no one notices it but I do the way he bits his lip when he thinks

UUUGGGGHHHHH demi snap out of it u hate him......... do I really hate him or is my heart trying to protect me again

but he is the love of my life

my thoughts were . interrupted by him

"can I sit here with u "nick asked

"its not my table u know"I said

"I know but I didnt want u to fell uncomfortable "he said

"u being here is the last thing bothering me...... .. u can sit here"I said

he just sat here awkwardly I was trying to eat but I was struggling and I can see nick watching me

"demi u can do it "nick said to. me

"no I cant"I said

u need to stop. demi dont get any fatter the voices said

"please stop talking to me......i am not fat"I said

"I didnt say that u were fat at all"nick said

"not u I am talking to the voices"I said while looking down

"demi dont listen to them u r stronger than them I am sorry that u here but u can do it and ur body is the sexiest body I have ever seen in my life u shouldnt change anything about it "he said to me

I reached out and held his hand giving him a slight smile

"thanx nick"I said to him

"u can do this I am here with u "he said

after a struggle for 40 minutes I managed to finish my plate

I felt really bad about myself so I excused my self to go to the toilet but before I could open the door nick pulled me out abd putted his strong buffy arms around me i knew it was nick right away

"please let me do it...please nick"i said while crying uncontrollablly

"if i let u do it you will regret it again and the nurses will find out either way and demi think of who ever is there with u ur fans ur family me we all want to help you demz "he said

he started singing to me the song we first wrote for my new album WARRIOR

This is a story that I've never told

I gotta get this off my chest to let it go

I need to take back the light inside you stole

You're a criminal

And you steal like you're a pro

All the pain and the truth

I wear like a battle wound

So ashamed so confused, I was broken and bruised

Now I'm a warrior

Now I've got thicker skin

I'm a warrior

I'm stronger than ive ever been

And my armor, is made of steel, you cant get in

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