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"nicks pov"

it been two weeks since demi and i got togther again and now we r on the tour today is demis birthday as usual i got up before demi and made my famous choclatechip pancakes she ... i placed them on the tray with some whip-cream ,blueberries,raspberries and strawberries some chocolate syrup and coffee i picked a rose and wrote a letter to demi

my beautiful girlfriend,

happy birthday love everyday i thank god for having u back in my life i love so much demi that words cant even describe ... you will always be the girl who stole my heart by hearing ur laugh before even seeing u ... i cant believe that i have u as my girlfriend the most amazing,inspiring woman i have ever had in my whole life , whenever someone asks about the person i love u come into my head even if i had another girlfriend ... I LOVE YOU DEMI

-luv nick

(its u and me against the world)

with that i left the tray on her bed and went to get her suprise ready i mean come on i am nick jonas a breakfast in bed is never enough for me i have to show the girl i love that she is my one and only princess

"demis pov"

i woke up at 9 am to find a tray on my bed with a huge breakfast i saw a letter kept near a rose i opened it and read it ...it was from NICK ...god can i even fall more in love with him i was crying by now he really does love me i am the luck one to have him at the end of the letter he wrote (its you and me against the world)

"ALWAYS AND FOREVER"i said outloud

"i hope so"another voice said

nick came out from behind the door holding a huge bouqet of red roses

"happybirthday babe"he said

"thank u so much nick i really love this"i said while i got out of bed to give him a hug

"oh this is nothing there is more"he said

"nick u shouldnt have"i said

"i should do it i want us to have the best time in out life toghter ... u r my princess and i will treat u like one I LOVE U "he said

"I LOVE U TOO"i said

and kissed him in the most passionate way ever

"go eat ur breakfast before it gets cold"he said

"join me?"i asked

"no i have to go babe .. technical problems on the stage and phil needs me"he said

"UUGH okay see u later"i said

"nicks pov"

i had to find phil so that he could get me some stuff ready demi was now performing her last song for tonight i had everything ready i even had natille to pick demis outfit i was changing after i took a shower and hten left in my black bmw to go pick up demi ..i went to her tour bus and knoced the door

"demi are u ready?"i asked while coming in

"yes just a second"she shouted back

i was waiting for demi to come out and boy when she came she was so sexy she was wearing her bright red dress with a black leather jacket with some black heels i would be crazy if i said that she was not beautiful demi died her hair brown again and the shaved side grew back so she puttted in a perfect bun she was amazing

"do i look good?"she asked nerveously

"i would be lying if i said no.... u look breath taking"i said

"awww thank u so much u look handsom as well"she said

i reached out my hand

"shall we get going princess"i said

"yes we shall "she took my hand and i walked her to my car i opened her door for her

"thank u "she said

"ur welcome"

"demis pov"

nick was driving me to somewhere far it looked like a forest

"demi you have to wear this "he said taking out a blinfold

"nick r u killing me?"i said jokinly

"dont ever say that"he said

"ok ok "i took the blindfold and kept in on my eyes i stayed quiet for the rest of the ride

"are we there yet?"i asked

"no still"he said

after 10 minutes

"are we there yet?"

"we still have 10 minutes more"he said

after 10 minutes

"are we there yet?"

"yes we are"

"finally i am gonna take this thing off"i said

"no u still cant "he said

"then how am i supposed to get out and walk"i asked

"who said u were walking "he said while helping me out of the car

"what do u mean"

i felt my feet rise from the ground i wrapped my arms aroung nicks neck afraid of what is going on

"dont worry demi its just me"nick said

"ok "was all i could say

he was picking me up bridal style i can her the sound of the a waterfall

"we are here now u can take that thing off"he said

"finally "i said

i took it off and was the most beautiful veiw in my whole life

there was a table setup in the middle of the forest where there was this amazing waterfall and nothing but the sound of the water splashing into the rocks

candle were lightened all around the place and u could see the wonderful stars and the moon light everything was perfect

"oh my god nick its perfect"i said while hugging him tight

"i knew u would love it"he said

"now come here"he said and lead us to the table he pulled my chair and made me sit first he sat on the other end of the table i reached out for his hand and held it in mine while caressing it with my thumb

"you shouldnt have done that"i said

"oh i should .... its ur birthday and out sixth date now"he said

yes we went out on six dates so what

"this definetly is the top now"i said

"i am glad u loved it "

after we finished our meal we were walking near the waterfall i took some pictures of us and then nick led us to a place on top of the waterfall there was a picnic rug setup with pillows around it and candles we just sat there enjoying the veiw the silence was broken by nick


"yes babe"i said

"i know i have already asked u before but will u be my girlfriend again ?"he asked

i kissed him the kiss was sweet, unexpectedly and gloriously sweet. If they it was a scene of a movie, angels would have been singing in the background. the way our lips matched with each other were perfect he deepened the kiss by pulling me into him the only thing that broke it was the need of air

"YES"i said

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