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soo i was wondering if you would like to be a part of my neonlights tour••••demi said

nicks pov◆◆◆

"off course i would like to" i said .... after 5 seconds i found a jumping demi in my arms excited that i said yes ....I STILL DO HAVE STRONG FEELINGS FOR DEMI but it has been a year since we last talked so this tour us gonna help me get my bestue back and hopefully become more then besties i know she dated my brother thee joe jonas but i was afraid of how fragile her heart was as demi says SHE REALLY IS A LIGHTWEIGHT i dont want to lose an incredible relation ship but i still do love demz ... i think that I was zoning out for on hour now so i decided to come back to reality to find demi still hugging me and then suddenly demi left her eyes up and for the first time our eyes meet it was like ment to be i could see her through her eyes the spark in her big brown eyes i studied her eye carefully and after good 10 minutes of eye contact we were rudely interupted by demis phone off course she let go of me to answer it but that was a moment i will never forget i needed to plan on how am i gonna tell demi how i feel about her i cant just go to her face and be like "dems i really like you as more than a friend" i mean come on everyone know its not how nick jonas does it

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