the plan

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i am dedicating this chapter to @lovaticforever46 cause she guessed what was going on


"i have a plan but i need ur help"i said

"anything for demi and nick"she said

"ok i think that they have to be in the same room while they r in treatment they can work things out togther i already called the center they said its okay"i said in one breath

"believe it or not i was thinking the same thing "dianna said

"do u think its gonna work"eddie asked

"i dont know ... but what i know is that nick agreed to go to rehab only for demi... he loves her"i said with a sigh

"i know demi still loves nick she was singing one of her songs it was something about nick cauz when i opened the door i saw her hugging his jacket she cried herself to sleep"dianna said

i can see her eyes tearing up a bit

"it is a plan then "i said while hugging them

"just keep ur mouths shut"dianna said while hugging me goodbye

(time skip 2 dayls later"rehab")

"demis pov"

i woke up early in the morning i went downstrais and nobody was awake yet so i decied to make some chocolate chip pancakes as a treat for my family i was setting the table and i felt a pair of arms hug me from the back i turned around and saw maddie crying her eyes i hugged her back tightly

"i will miss u so much demi "she said while hugging me tight

"i will miss u too babygirl ...the first thing i will do when i get out is take u out for a demi and maddie night okay"i asked her

"off course demi u dont hve to ask my permission i love hanging with u "she said

"awww look at my sisters bonding"dallas said while she came and hugged us as well

"i am gonna miss u demz"she said while kissing my cheeck

"i am gonna miss u too dal"i kissed her cheeck

she started crying

"awww dallas dont cry "i said

"i am not crying its just allergies"she said while trying to lighten up the mood

"yea right allergies"mom said whil coming in and joining the hug she was crying as well

eddie was just standing there

"dad come join us "i said

"he came and wrapped his arms around all four of us and lifted us of the ground for a while

"i am gonna miss this"i said

"we r gonna miss u "they all said togther

"wow thats weird"i said

"now come on i cooked breakfast"i said while jumping back on my feet

"oh my god demi u did a pretty good job and didnt burn down the house as well u r growing up too fast"mom said

"demz this is really good"maddie said with her mouth full of pancakes

" i am glad u liked it" i said while joining them to eat

"nicks pov"

today is the day i realized the i really needed help i couldnt stop smoking until yesterday i really need this not for myself but for the sake of my family ... i still have feelings for demi i cant believe she is going to rehab again and now that i am the reason i am her bestfriend for gods sake she trusted me with her own heart she didnt let me even explain that miley spiked my drink and i didnt have any control on my body at all but i did fuck up i lost my only opportunity

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