i am so sorry

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"nicks pov"

demi was a bit sleepy last night so i carried her away to her bed and then i saw her journal lying on the ground i dont mean to intrude her privacy but i read it todays date

dear journal,

today i went into treatment again u might want to know why it is because of a broken heart and a treating disorder i used to self harm but i stopped ... i cant cut myself knowing that my mom had her eye on me as a hawk so i ate less food i got the broken heart due to my breakup with the bestboyfriend i ever had the last person i expected to break me NICK JONAS he was the love of my life i....i ended up sharing a room with him at rehab yes he went to the same rehab center as mine it turns out that i was not the only one effected by our breakup he turned himself towards alchol and cigars i think he got addicted or something now i have to deal with his the way he smile the way he talks the way he blushes slightly no one notices it but I do the way he bits his lip when he thinks

UUUGGGGHHHHH demi snap out of it u hate him that is what i was thinking when he came and ate dinner with me i still love him after all he did i didnt even give him a chance to explain i know nick more than he know he would never do this to a girl i dont know why he still has this effect on me i guess i have to find out

~luv demi

she still loves me and i still love her now i have to get her back i can imagine losing her to another person i am ..... i need demi my GIRLFRIEND not demi my BESTFRIEND i need to help her gain her trust in her self i need to make her fall for me again and with that thought in my head i fell asleep

{{{{{{{{next morning}}}}}}}}

demi is still sleeping in her bed i wonder if i can get her breakfast in bed i went and aske done of the nurses to bring her and me some breakfast i told her that demi was not feeling well today she understood and went to bring the food i was watching demi sleep i was interupted by a knock at the door i saw the nurse she brought in two trays i took out my blanket and kept it on the ground and putted the food on it and then opened the curtains slightly and took some flowers from the vase they kept on the porch i went to wake demi up

,demdem,wakeup"i said still no use she is still sleeping

i held her nose so that she could wake up as she would lose some breath after a few second demi woke up coughing

"wtf nick why did u do that"she was screaming

"u didnt wakeup so i had no other solution i brought us some breakfast"

"demis pov"

nick woke me up bu holding my nose i thought i was being abducted or something i woke up and saw him laughing at me i saw he said he brought us some breakfast

"how is that so?"i asked

"i lied i said to a nurse that u werent feeling so well so she brought the food here"he said

"gee thanks now i have to act sick when they come"i said

he moved away and i saw the sight he putted a blanket on the groung with our food some flowers and the curtains were slightly opened they gave it the perfect veiw

"awwww thank u nick"was all i said

demi remeber why u r here u r suppossed to hate nick not love him more but i cant not love him i mean look at him he is so peferct UUUUGGGHHH i hate being me

"come on demi "he putted his hand out

i took it and kissed his cheeck while saying thanks to him

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