Chapter 1: The Accident

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21st Century. Warm, humid afternoon. Brookside High School Parking Lot.

I hear them before I see them.

"Natalie! Natalie! Look over here!"

Damn it.

"Can you tell us about the new movie you're starring in?"

"Is it true that Nicholas Wilder cheated on Nikki Hades with you?"

Camera flashes. White starbursts.

"Is it true that you are pregnant with Nicholas Wilder's child?"

Look down. Ignore them.

"Natalie! Get in!" 

I look up and see my mother's Ford pull up in front of me, blocking the paparazzi. My mom's shrill voice cuts through the paparazzi's cries, "Natalie, get in! Now!"

I yank open the door and climb into the car. I glare out at the paparazzi still swarming around our car. A man brings his fist down on the window next to my face. I yelp, startled and very very annoyed.

"Tell me you're not in any kind of relationship with this Nicholas guy," my mom says as she pulls out of the school parking lot.

"Mom, not you too." I pull a bottle of Xanax out from my school bag and turn the bottle around and around in my hands. I keep my medication close, because I never know when I'll get another anxiety attack. They seem to be coming on more frequently these days.

My brother swivels around in the passenger seat to face me and grins. "Sooo, how is it dating Nicholas?"

"I'm not!" I nearly yell, "I'm so sick of this! Why would anyone think that a high school girl would go for a 30 year old married man?"

"Makes sense, sweetheart," mom turns and smiles at me, "don't worry, it'll pass. Getting caught in scandals means you're getting more popular. Soon, you'll be a huge star, like that Bella Thorne girl you used to watch on Disney channel."

"Mom..." I take a deep breath, "there's something I've been wanting to talk to you about."

"What is it?"

Here comes nothing... "I'm thinking about quitting acting..."

My mom glances back at me from the driver's seat, furious. "What did you just say?"

"I don't want to act anymore. I want to take a break. The paparazzi and all these scandals, I can't deal with them anymore. My anxiety, it-it's getting worse. I just want some time alone to heal..."

She shakes her head furiously. "Young lady. You are not giving up your bright futur-"

I groan. Of course, mom would never support me. She was the one who pressured me into becoming a child actor. She told me it would be 'fun', and that everyone would 'love' me.

And sure, I guess I sort of enjoyed acting out the lives of fictional people, but what about my life?

Being a celebrity isn't just about enjoying all the glitz and glamour. 

"Mom," I plead, "you don't understand... I'm miserable. Every minute of my day is written out on a schedule. I never get to have a full meal-"

"It's just a phase," mom interrupts me, "You'll get over it."

A lump builds in my throat. I should have known better. She doesn't care how I feel.

"Mom!" my brother suddenly cries out, "stop!"

"Ethan, this is between your sister and m-"

Ethan cuts her off, his voice frantic, "The car! Stop! Mom! STOP THE CAR!"

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