Chapter 8: Alexander

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Winking at me with his piercing green eyes, he runs a hand through his jet black hair and announces, "I am Calchantis."

"Cal-calchantis..." I whisper, stumbling towards him, heart pounding so hard I feel like I'm about to faint. "Are you from the future too?"

He shakes his head, "I am not from your time, Natalie."

"Then how do you know who I am?"

"Because I saw you in my visions."

My lips tremble slightly, "what happened to me in your visions?"

"I cannot be certain," he sighs, "my visions are simply flashes. They cannot tell the entire story."

"What happened to princess Catherine?" I demand, "Is she in the future? In my body?"

"I hope she is," Calchantis steps closer to me, staring into my eyes. I suck in a sharp breath. Damn. His eyes are gorgeous. "Natalie, you must return to your body."

"But how? How did this even happen?" I whisper, tears springing up in my eyes. "And why does she look exactly like me?"

"Princess Catherine and you are dopplegangers bond by ancient magic. That's all I can tell you for now."

A tear rolls down my cheek. "Tell me how I can return home. My family is waiting for me."

Calchantis squeezes my shoulder gently, "there needs to be a meteor shower at the exact same location and time of day as when the two of you switched. There will be one in three days. I have a spell that can return you."

"Really?" I whisper, feeling my heart swell with hope. "I'm going home?"

"Yes," Calchantis bends down until he is eye level with me. "But remember, you must leave during the next meteor shower, for there won't be one at the exact same location and time in almost a hundred years."


With a million questions swirling around my head, I toss and turn all night. The sky is still dark when I finally climb out of bed and drape a silk robe over my nightgown. Grabbing a candle, I tiptoe out into the hallway for a walk to clear my head. I jump at the sight of a guard standing next to my room. He bows, and I give him a weak smile.

"NO!" A loud voice nearly causes me to drop my candle.

I squint down the dimly lit hallway and frown. There's no one there.

"No! Alexander!"

My head whips around. That was definitely Edward's voice. I follow his grunts and yells to a set of mahogany doors. Two grim looking guards are dozing off on either side of the doors. "Edward?" I whisper as I push the door open and peer inside.

Edward is in bed, sleeping, with a sword clutched tightly in his hands. "Alexander!" he yells, eyelids fluttering. I run over and shake his shoulders firmly.

"Wake up!" I shake him harder. "Wake up!"

His eyes snap open, and he gasps. In a split second, his sword is unsheathed and the sharp edge is resting inches from my throat. I freeze. "E-Edward..." I whisper weakly. "What are you doing?"

For a few minutes, he stares at me with wide, bloodshot eyes. Then he whispers, "They're dead...they're all dead..."

"Hey. It's okay. Shhhh. Edward, it's me," I say as calmly as I can, "put your sword down please."

He blinks blankly for a minute, tilting his gaze up to my face. Slowly, the confusion in his eyes fades and he murmurs, "Catherine..." Breathing heavily, he removes his sword and allows it to clatter to the floor. He drops his face into his hands and mutters, "I'm sorry. I'm sorry...I'm sorry...."

"Hey," I pat his shoulder gently, "it's alright. Just tell me what happened...Who died?"

"No one. I'm fine." He pushes my hand away. His mouth turns into a thin, hard line . "Leave," he orders, voice cold, "now."

"Edward," I reach for him, "I just want to help."

"I don't need help."

"Who's Alexander?"

"Just go. I'm fine."

"You don't have to pretend that you're okay. Let me help you."

"I. Told. You. I don't need help," He sighs, picking up his sword and slicing his thumb with it. Without wincing, he stares as blood oozes down his hand. He seems excited, almost enthralled, by the crimson rivulets racing down his arm. I grimace. "What?" he asks, staring at me, "scared?"

I try to grab his hand. "Why did you do that?"

He pushes my hand away and points his sword at me. I reach for him again, accidentally slicing my palm on the tip of his sword. I yelp.

"Let me see," he immediately orders, his voice softening. He grabs my hand, pulling me towards him.

"Wait," I wince, pulling my palm back, "Tell me what's going on with you first."

"Catherine, do not test my patience," Edward warns.

"I just-" 

"Leave," he snaps, "now."

"Fine!" I yell back, starting to get mad. "Ungrateful bipolar jerk. " I mutter under my breath, walking out of his room and slamming the door.

A painting across the hall catches my eye. Walking closer, I examine the family in the painting. A lady bedazzled in silk and  jewels, probably the queen, is holding a baby. Five toddlers stand in a line beside her. The king is beaming at them from the corner. I've definitely seen them somewhere before...

"Oh. My. God." I gasp when it finally dawns on me.

I've learned about Edward and his family in history class. I've seen this portrait in class! A shudder runs through me. It's hard to believe that barely two days ago, I was sitting in class and watching a documentary about Edward's family.

The information I had learned in class starts tumbling back into my mind. 

Alexander was Edward's brother. He was murdered along with Edward's five other brothers, Historians speculate that the murders were only aiming for the king's heirs, and Edward was spared because he was mistaken for a girl. And there was something else...something significant... I squeeze my eyes shut, trying to recall what I had learnt.

When I finally remember it, I wish I never did.

According to my history book, King Edward of England died the day before his wedding to princess Catherine of Scotland.

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