Chapter 4: Begin

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He takes my hands into his, squeezing them. My heart flutters at his sudden warmness. "You're already in danger. You're princess royal of Scotland. The future queen." Leaning in c, he whispers, "but if you come with me, I can protect you. No. We can protect each other...just like we did out there in the courtyard."

"Why?" I demand, shrinking under his intense gaze. "Why me?"

Smirking, he pulls his face away from mine and stands up. "I'll be waiting at the docks. I have already sent a messenger ahead to England, and my troops are on their way to assist your father's in the north. I do have to warn you that if you do not come, I will pull them back immediately." He winks, "So come and be my queen." With that, he strides out of the room.

"I told you not to use mine or my!" I shout after him, "and you can't blackmail me! Don't get your hopes up! I promise you, I won't be at the docks!"

Sulking, I trudge back to my luggage and pull out the diary. Maybe princess Catherine can give me some ideas on what to do. I notice that one of the pages is dog eared and flip to it.

My sister has returned from her visit to England. She tells me Calchantis has agreed to help me, but I cannot risk traveling there, and he refuses to leave English court. I am afraid I cannot find another way to avoid my union with King Edward.

I skim through a few more pages and spot the name , Calchantis, in almost all of the most recent entries. I close the notebook and lie back on the bed with my mind reeling. Who is Calchantis? Does he have something to do with how I arrived here?

Carefully, I tuck the notebook into a leather trunk. Whoever he is, Calchantis seems to be the best shot I have at figuring out this mess, so I guess I will be going to England after all.

"I thought you said you weren't coming," Edward says as he follows me into the ship.

"There's someone I need to meet," I reply, stumbling as the ship rocks from side to side.

"Careful," Edward grabs my arm, steadying me. "Who is it?"

"Calchantis. Do you know him?"

Edward furrows his golden brows. "My mother's seer? What could you possibly want with him?"

"Wait," I frown, "what's a seer?"

Edward leads me to a bedroom and motions for me to sit. I nod and we sit down on the bed side by side. "According to my mother, he can predict the future and concoct magical potions."

"Oh my god!" I gasp."I need to meet him!" 

What if he is able to predict the future, because he is from the future? What if he's like me? 

"What do you need him to predict? Our happy union? I assure you that will happen. And when it does, we shall be the most powerful couple in all of Europe."

I roll my eyes. "Power power power. There you go again. I hope you'll learn some day that there's way more to life than power. Also, we are not getting married."

"We'll see," Edward yawns and stretches. "Get some sleep, we'll discuss our future plans tomorrow morning." He kisses my hand and leaves.

"What the..." I whisper, staring down at the tingling spot on the back of my hand.

When the tingling finally stops, I lie back on the bed and close my eyes. Please. I pray. Please let me be home when I wake up.


"Natalie! Wake up!" At the sound of my mother's voice, I snap my eyes open.

"Mom?" I whisper, rubbing my eyes. "I thought you were dead!"

"Were you having a nightmare, sweetheart?" My mother kisses the top of my head and rubs my back. I glance around. There's a mahogany desk with a laptop, a fridge, a backpack lying on the floor with books spilling out. 

I glance down. I'm back in my own bed.

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