Chapter 24: Its alright

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           "Edward..." I try to grab his arm as we walk towards the ballroom for the after party.

           "Not now."

           "When?!" I stop walking. "Edward, this is absurd! We are freaking married! Can't you just talk to me for a second? Why are you even mad?"

         "Why am I mad?" He raises an eyebrow. "Are you seriously asking me that?"

            "So do you want me to go back?"

            "Whatever you want. It's not like you'll listen to want I want."

            I grit my teeth. "Fine."

           He holds out his hand.

           I frown. "What?"

           "We have to enter the ballroom together. Here. Give me your hand."

           "No. I'm not doing this. I came back for you. But it looks like you don't want me. I'm leaving." I turn my back on him. Feeling bewildered and helpless, I run down the hallway.

            He doesn't follow me.


            I sit on a cold, stone bench in the garden and cry. 

            Stupid stupid stupid Edward. How can he not see that he is everything to me? 


           I look up, heart pounding in excitement, expecting Edward, finally here to apologize. But it's not him. "Who are you?" I scrutinize the brunette man sitting down next to me. He's dressed in fine clothing with gold badges pinned across his chest. Probably a prince.

           "Lord George, your majesty." He smiles and offers his hand. I don't take it.

            I look away from him. "I'm sorry, Lord George. But I would like some privacy. There are other benches in the garden, so if you could-"

          "Hey hey hey," he smirks and grabs me around the waist, "no need to act." He takes my chin between his forefingers and tilts my face towards him.

          I push him away, shocked. "What the hell are you talking about?"

          "My dear queen, everyone saw you and the king earlier. He was so cold towards you. And that kiss. That's not how a man kisses a woman he loves."

          I try to push his arm off my waist.

         "I can show you what a real kiss feels like. I know you want me to." He starts to lean in, closing his eyes.

       "Ew! No!" I stomp on his foot and he yelps, releasing me. "What the hell is wrong with you!"

        "You. Little. Bitch." George smirks, "you think you're all that because you're queen? You're nothing without us nobles. You better give me what I want if you want to keep your power." He grabs me again and pushes me down next to him.

       "Let me go! Now!" I gasp when he starts ripping my dress. "What the hell do you think you're doing?"

      "Ahhh... the king's woman," he smiles as his hand slips up my bare leg, "can't think of a better way to spend the night."

     "Natalie! Natalie!"

     It's Edward's voice.

    "Over here!" I yell. I nearly start sobbing again. In an instant, Edward is by my side. He pushes George away roughly.

    "Lord George," Edward frowns, "I think your wife is looking for you. Actually I just saw her coming this way."

   George turns pale. "I'll be on my way now. Have a good night, your majesties."

  "Is he that scared of his wife?" I laugh as George sprints away.

   "His wife's family is extremely wealthy. Rumour has it that they can put the Medicis to shame. He can't live without her money."

  "Hmm...very romantic."

  "Enough about him," Edward turns to me, surveys me from head to toe, "are you okay?"

  "Yeah, I'm fine." I fiddle with the broken fabric of my dress. "I stepped on his foot pretty hard."

    Edward chuckles. "Very nice." To my surprise, he pulls me into a hug.

    "What are you doing? I thought you were mad at me."

    "I'm sorry," He caresses my cheeks tenderly. "I shouldn't have acted the way I did earlier. The last thing I want is to make you cry."

    "So you're not mad anymore?"

    "I wasn't mad... I was scared. So so scared that you would leave me again. The thought of never seeing you again, it scared me like crazy."

           "Edward, I'm sorry."

           "No. No. I'm sorry. I'm sorry I overreacted. I take back everything I said." He pulls me tighter against him and burrows his face in my hair. "Even if you don't love me. It's fine. I just want you by my side."

           "I do love you."

           "I love you too." He grabs my hand. "Come on, let's go."

           "Where are we going?"

           "Our room." He winks.

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