Chapter 28: Trust

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I am about to knock on Valerie's door when I hear a giggle coming from inside.
"My love, I must gain something in return if I am to help you!" Valerie's shrill voice pierces my ears.
"Name your price," Edward's voice replies.
I hear another giggle from Valerie and the thudding of two bodies on a bed. Edward grunts and there is a rustle of bedsheets.
Unable to keep listening, I push the doors open without knocking and barge in.
A half naked Valerie and a disgruntled looking Edward turns to stare at me.
"Natalie, it's not what you think-" Edward starts to say but I shake my head.
"I don't want to hear it," I whisper in disbelief. The baby in my belly starts to kick furiously and I double over, clutching my swollen abdomen in pain.
   "What's wrong?" Edward rushes to my side and rubs my baby bump. "Is our baby hurting you?"
   I push him away. "Don't touch me!"
   "Natalie, please just listen to me-"
   "Just stop talking!" I nearly yell, turning and running back to our room.


   I am sniffling on the bed when he comes in holding flowers. He holds them out to me and manages a small smile. "Want some daisies? Your ladies told me they're your favorite."
   "No, thanks," I turn my head away from him. He sighs and sets the daisies down on the bedside table. Carefully, he crawls into bed with me.
   "I swear on my crown that I did not do anything to betray you. When she pushed me down on the bed, I was trying to fight her off. I only love you.
    "Edward," I whisper, "actually, I believe you."
    "I know you love me, but I was just thinking that you wanted to do it for something else."
    "You mean...for money?"
     I nod.
     Edward wraps his arms around me. I let him. "I am king, I would never stoop so low. The only person I will make love to is you. My one and only love."
    "What do you love more? The crown or me?"
     He hesitates. "Maintaining the crown is my duty. My family died for it. I don't love the crown, but it's something I must keep. Do you understand?"
    "Of course," I turn to face him, "that's why I want you to do it."
     "Get her help. However you can. I won't object."
     He frowns. "What are you saying?"
     I point down at my bulging belly. "I'm only here for as long as I am pregnant. Once our baby is born, I'll disappear. I want you to be able to keep the crown and protect our baby."
     "If you lose your crown or if your place is threatened, our child won't be safe either, especially if it is a boy."
      Edward shakes his head, "no, I will find another way. And I will make sure you stay."
     "Just consider it," I kiss him on the cheek, "we can't just think about ourselves now. We must protect our baby."
     "Yes. I will do whatever it costs." I notice a dangerous glint in Edward's eyes as he says this.
     That night, once again, I dream of Edward, blood and death.

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