Chapter 27: Love Fades

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Edward is having an argument with someone when I return to his chambers.

"I am KING," he nearly yells at the man standing next to him, "I will make my own decisions. You may leave now."

The man sighs. "I hope you reconsider this, your majesty. A strong king needs the support of his nobles." He turns and storms out the door, briefly turning to bow at me.

"What happened?" I ask Edward after I close the door.

"That was one of my advisors," he collapses on the bed, "there's been some...conflict between a few of the noble families and me."

        I walk up to him and squeeze his shoulders gently. "Edward, I am your wife. I hope you can share your troubles with me."

      "It's nothing."

      "I want to know, even if it's nothing," I beg, "please, I don't want you to be burdened all alone."

     He grabs my hand and leads me over to sit on the bed. "The nobles are angry at me for raising their taxes. My counselors want me to only raise the taxes for commoners...but my conscience will not allow me to take more from people who already have so little."

    "You're making the right choice." I smile. Edward is a kind person. He would never murder a person.

   "But the nobles are the source of my power. If they decide to turn against me, I might lose my crown." He turns to me, "will you stay with me if I'm no longer king?"

   "Of course," I kiss him, "I don't even like being queen. I'm only tolerating it for you."

   "I love you," he leans down and kisses my belly. "I love you too," he whispers to our child.

   "I wish I could help you with your problem." I sigh.

   "It's alright," he stands up and stretches, "I'll figure it out. I have some work to do. Stay here and get some rest."


   I am taking a walk in the garden when I overhear a couple of court ladies whispering.    My heart drops when I hear them talking about me.

  "The queen may be a princess, but she can't help him. Her dowry hasn't even been fully paid!"

  "If only he had married mistress Valerie, then money wouldn't be a problem!"

  "I hear mistress Valerie is selling an estate in Italy for him!"

   Mistress Valerie? What are they talking about? Is Edward having an affair?

   I hurry back into the castle to try and find Edward. An uncanny feeling settled in my chest as I approach one of Edward's counselors.

   "Have you see the king?" I ask him.

   He turns red and starts stammering, "um n-no, your majesty. My apologies, I have some business to attend to." Looking guilty, he scurries off down the hall.

   I'm trembling by the time I reach lady Valerie's room. Will I find Edward in there?

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