Chapter 19: The Big Day

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    Edward's POV

It's our wedding day. The day I've been yearning for. But something feels off.
     There's something different about her.
    "Natalie," I knock on her door lightly. "You awake?"
    "Edward? You may enter," she says, so softly, so unlike herself. I open the door and step inside, smiling at her.
      She's sitting at her dresser, brushing her hair. She smiles, shyly, tight lipped, not showing any teeth. Where's that bright, carefree smile I loved so much?
      I lean in and kiss her, but as soon as our lips meet, I feel the urge to jerk away. Feeling my heart twist painfully inside my chest, I push her away, a little roughly and wipe my lips with the back of my hand.
      She stares at me, her face a pool of emotions. Hurt, confused, worried.
     "Sorry," I mumble, "I...never mind..."
     "Edward, what's wrong?" she whispers, her voice wavering. "Tell me..."
     Everything! I want to scream. Everything is wrong!
    "Nothing, I just-just hope you'll remember soon," I place my hand on her shoulder and give it a firm squeeze.
    She shakes her head sadly. "So do I. There's nothing more I want than to remember everything that happened between us."
    "It's alright," I kiss her on the cheek, "I'll wait." 
   According to Calchantis, Natalie lost part of her memory after the night of the meteor shower.      Something went wrong after she travelled home, and she was sent back here. And now she doesn't remember what happened during her first travel here.
   But how can memory loss change her entire personality?
    I'm struggling to believe that this is the same person. Part of me wonders if Calchantis is lying to me. 
Natalie POV

    As I am walking back to class, tears begin to stream down my face. Soon, I am bawling in a bathroom stall. I've been lying to myself. I am not fine.
   I miss him terribly. I'm not okay with him marrying another girl. I need to return to him.
   But how? I gave it all up when I chose to come back. Even if I do return, would he forgive me for lying to him?
    A wave of nausea washes over me, and I am doubling over the toilet. I groan, feeling dark spots crowd over my vision. Is this what morning sickness is supposed to be like? How intense...
   And then it all goes black...The last thing I remember is the sensation of falling.
Someone is knocking. I groan, not wanting to open my eyes. I go back to sleep.
     The knocking gets louder. A man calls, "Your royal highness, it is time to proceed to the chapel."
     My heavy lids flutter open. I am staring up at an eerily familiar stone ceiling.
"Your highness? Your highness?" The man starts to knock louder.
    Groggily, I push myself off the ground and stand up. "What the hell?" I gasp as I stare down at what I am wearing, a pure white floor length gown with lace sleeves. I pick at the pearls embedded in the bodice of the gown and whisper, "Is this gown?"

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