Chapter 26: Dreams and Dread

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      "JUST TELL ME THE DAMN TRUTH, you bastard!" Edward shouts.

       I run over to try and separate them, but my limbs are all of a sudden feeling like jelly.

       "Stop..." I try to yell, but my voice is barely above a whisper. Nausea and dizziness washes over me, making me wobble on my feet, as if I am drunk. "Edward..." I try to call him, but he doesn't hear. The last thing I see before I collapse on the floor is two blurry figures fighting.


       Someone's crying. 

       Warm, sticky liquid trickles down my face and neck. My heart is racing as I wipe my wet cheeks. My fingers come away stained crimson. 

       It's blood.

       I'm crouched on the ground while Edward stands over me. He's holding a sword dripping in blood.

      "What did you do?" I whisper. 

       He doesn't reply. The crying gets louder, and I realize I'm the one crying. 

      Edward kneels down and hands his bloody sword to me. I take it with trembling fingers. "What did you do?" I repeat. 

      He leans down to whisper in my ear, "I did it for you."

      I scream. 


      My eyes jerk open. I'm in bed, and Edward is gripping my arms. 

      "What happened?" I mumble groggily.

      "You fainted." 

      I rub my eyes. "You and Calchantis were fighting..." 

     "It's all okay now. We're both fine. 

       I throw myself into his arms. "Oh Edward. I had a terrible dream." 

       He pats my back gently and strokes my hair. "What happened in your dream? You were crying and screaming."

       "You were in it. There was blood and and...."I sigh and bury my face in his shoulder, "never mind." 

       "The physician says you fainted from stress. You'll be fine with some rest." He kisses my forehead. "Go back to bed." 

          I lie back down and pull the blankets up to my chin. "Will you stay with me?" 

          "I have some business to take care of." 

           I pout. "I don't want you to leave."

           He chuckles, pinching my right cheek. "Alright, my love. I'll lie with you until you fall asleep." Dropping his sword on the bedside table, he climbs into bed. 

         My heart drops at the sight of the sword. It looks exactly like the one I saw in my dream. 

        "Edward," I whisper, "what do you do with your sword?" 

        He pulls me tight against him. "You don't want to know."

        As soon as I fall asleep, the same nightmare begins again. 

         The same nightmare about Edward has been plaguing me for days, and once again, I've decided to seek help from Calchantis. As sketchy as he is. 

           When Edward leaves the palace for 'business', I sneak into Chalchantis's room and tell him about my dreams. 

          "Ahhh." Calchantis smirks once I am done. "So what exactly are you worried about? That the dream will come true?"

          "Is that possible?" 

          Suddenly, he reaches over and touches my belly. I jump back. "What are you doing?"

          "My guess is that your baby is a seer."

          I frown. "Are you saying my baby is... like you?"

          He nods.

          "No way. My baby's not a freak." 

          Calchantis glares at me. "Come on. That's kind of harsh. How am I a freak?"

          "So if my baby is a seer... Is he or she somehow sending me visions?"

         Calchantis nods. "That is the most likely explanation." 

         "I think he'll kill someone for me," I gulp and look at Calchantis, "do you think it's you?" 

         He shrugs, "possible."

         I frown. "How are you not nervous at all?" 

         "What good is worrying? If it is meant to happen, it will." Calchantis shrugs. "When                       you're a  seer, you learn to accept that the future is beyond your control." 

        "I disagree," I stand up and head over to the door, "I will not sit idly by and watch my               husband murder someone. Just like I stopped Edward from dying the day before our wedding,     I will stop him this time as well." I open the door and step out, pausing when Chalcantis bursts out laughing.

       "How foolish of you. I have done all I can to warn you, all to no avail. Alright then, go ahead and do what you wish. But remember this moment, Natalie, because you will regret not listening to me."

      I slam the door shut. The word regret rings in my ears.


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