Chapter 17: Sorry

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I pick up the pregnancy test and nearly faint. A large red positive sign is glaring up at me.

"Oh, Edward," I whisper.


2 months ago...

17th century. England.

Edward glances back at me. Our eyes meet for a brief second and a torrent of emotions hit me right in the chest: excitement, pain, joy, longing.  He faces Calchantis again. "Alright then, send me back with her."

"Okay," I slip my hand into Edward's, "let's go back together."

He beams at me, "really?"

"Of course."

"Natalie," Calchantis frowns, "what are you doing?"

I lean up and give Edward a quick kiss, "let me talk to Calchantis alone for a minute, okay? Stay here."

Edward nods, not looking very thrilled.

I lead Calchantis back into the cottage and make sure Edward is still outside before speaking. "I was lying to him."

Calchantis groans, "what are you trying to do? The meteor shower will be here anytime."

"I know, and I have a plan." I lean in and whisper my idea to Calchantis. When I'm done, he grins.

"It's a decent plan. It'll work."

"I'm just afraid that he won't fall asleep."

Calchantis smiles, "I have a back up plan for that." He rummages around in the pocket of his pants and pulls out a little vial filled with white powder, which he presses into my hand, "Here. Open this below his nose. He'll be out in a few secs." He notices my expression and shakes his head. "Don't ask me why I have it."

"Thanks." I tuck the vial into the sleeve of my dress.

"Now," Calchantis lowers his voice, "onto the most important part...In order to travel back, you must be on the verge of death, just like you were after the car crash." He hands me another vial. This one is filled with crimson liquid. "This is poison. Once the meteor shower starts, drink it. Then, make a wish, a genuine wish. A wish that can only be fulfilled if you return. That's the only way you will travel successfully."

I shiver, whether it's from fear or the light breeze blowing in through the open window, I'm not so sure. "And...and if I don't succeed?"

"You die." Calchantis squeezes my shoulder and whispers, "Natalie, you can do this. Just remember. You must think of a genuine wish."

I nod. My family. My mother. My brother. I need to get back to them.

That's when I realize how selfish I have been. I don't even know if my family is alive. Before my father passed away, I promised him that I would take care of mom and Ethan. I've broken that promise. These past few days, all I've been thinking about was Edward. I should have been worrying about my family.

Sorry, mom. Sorry, Ethan. I'm coming back soon.

I turn to Calchantis, tears streaming down my cheeks. "I have a genuine wish."


"Here," I spread a picnic blanket on the ground and grab Edward's arm. "Lie down."

We lie down together, holding hands. "What are we doing?" he asks.

"We're waiting for a meteor shower, It'll bring us through time." I rest my head on his chest.

He presses his lips against mine gently. A slow, sweet, unhurried kiss. When he pulls back, he brushes a strand of hair out of my face and whispers, "marry me, Natalie."

I smile. "You said my real name."

He grins. "It's beautiful."

I play with our intertwined fingers, "We don't need to get married so soon. I understand that marriage is important for kings and queens, to strengthen power and all that. But we'll just be normal people, we can take it slow. How does that sound?"

He doesn't reply.

"What is it? You don't want to give up your crown, do you?"

"No. Taking it slow...sounds perfect." He yawns and closes his eyes, "I've been up all night worrying about you. I'm sleepy."

"Close your eyes. Take a nap."

"Okay, don't go anywhere."

"I won't."

I'm crying as I take the vial of powder out of my dress sleeve, remove the cap and hold it below Edward's nose. Just as Edward begins to snore lightly, a ray of light in the sky catches my eye.

It's here.

Within seconds, the dark sky is illuminated by dazzling streaks of silver light.

Shooting stars. Stars that grant wishes.

Hundreds of bright white rays trail across the sky, all in different directions and patterns. I take out the vial of poison Calchantis had given me and lie down next to Edward.

"I'm so sorry," I whisper to him before placing the vial against my lips and tipping it. The liquid is tasteless, like water. But it works, because I begin to choke.

An image flashes across my mind. Me lying in the back of my mom's burning car after our car crash. I remember what I wished for then: I wanted to be reborn as someone else. Someone happy.

And it came true...

I was happy. With Edward.

I lean over Edward and kiss him one last time.

My wish this time is for Edward and I to both go back to what we are supposed to protect. Me to my family and Edward to his country. 

And then darkness takes over...

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