Chapter 22: Secrets

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                 "She pretended to be you and was supposed to marry him today. And you're suddenly back. So that's pretty much what has happened thus far," Calchantis claps his palms together and stares at me expectantly. "So? How do you feel?"

                  "Um, excuse me?" I glare at him, furious. "How do I feel?! I feel like fucking killing you!"

                 Clachantis shakes his head, "Oh, come on, Natalie,  we all want what's best for him. Don't we?"

                "Yes, bu-"

                 Someone knocks on the door, cutting me off.

                "Natalie? May I come in?"

                It's Edward's voice. I freeze. Calchantis grabs my arm and mouths the word: NO.

               "I'm telling him," I hiss under my breath, "let go of me."

              Calcahantis grips my arm. "You want him to die?"

             I hesitate, staring back at him. He looks so sincere.

              "Natalie?" Edward calls again.

             I shake my head. I can't betray my own feelings and happiness for some crazy  guy's

              "Come in!" I yell, shaking off Calchantis. I run a hand through my hair and rush to the door. As soon as Edward opens the door, I am frozen. There he is. The same blonde curls and dimpled smile I have been replaying in my mind for the past few weeks. Icy blue eyes that can melt my heart in seconds. Features so chiseled they could put Adonis to shame.

            "Hey, I-" he starts to say. Before I know it, I am throwing myself into his arms and hugging him tightly. A tear rolls down my cheek as I breath in the familiar scent of his musk. He chuckles, hugging me back. "What has gotten into you today?"
          I glance over my shoulder at the spot where Calchantis was a minute ago. As usual, he has disappeared in some mysterious way I'll never figure out.

        I turn back to Edward and smile. "Edward" I whisper, "it's me. I'm back."

         He blinks silently for a minute.

        "I came back for you," I smile, reaching up to touch his cheek.

        Suddenly, he leans down and presses his lips to mine. My lips part hungrily in response to his. He kisses me with such passion that I nearly forget to breath. Soon, I am pushing him back dizzily. "Wait," I pant, "give me a minute... Oh my god. That was intense."

       That's when I notice his cheeks are streaked with tears. He pulls me into his arms and kisses the top of my head. "It really is you," he whispers.

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