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Elliot's POV

I stood up and threw my hands up in the area, as my daughter looked at me with wide, angry eyes.

"Jay, we are officers! We can arrest them if we need to! I just don't want you to regret this! Don't you want to know?" I asked, and she shook her head.

"How many times do I have to tell you no?!" She yelled, as she stood.

Even though she was angry, I couldn't help but notice how much like Olivia she has become. Even though she wasn't our biological daughter, Olivia's mannerisms have rubbed off on her.


"DAD!" She yelled, before stepping forward and pushing me with all her might. I stumbled back, and I got the hint.

"Okay. I'll leave, but I'm not dropping this." I huffed, and she shook her head.

 She followed me to the door, and before slamming it in my face she screamed.

"Mom, Dad won't drop it!"

The loud thud made me jump, and it also sent Olivia running up the stairs. She stopped when she saw me, and crossed her arms over her chest.

"Can you get it through your thick skull that our daughter wants nothing to do with them?"


Olivia and I laid in bed that night, and she was beyond pissed. My girlfriend hated me right now, and for some reason I couldn't see why.

"Liv, are we still going on our date tomorrow night?" I asked, and she laughed bitterly.

"Like hell we are." She spat.

"Olivia, can't you see where I'm coming from? You didn't know Simon for most of your life, and weren't you happy when you found him?" I replied, and she shook her head.

"Do you remember how when I was chasing him, someone he pissed off almost hit me with their car? Or how I was almost arrested several times for helping him? Or how depressed I got when he didn't want anything to do with anymore? I'm better off without him, just like our daughter is better off without them in her life." She spoke, and I rolled my eyes, as I ran my hands over my face.

"If I had a sibling out there, I'd want to meet them. See if I can help them. But I guess I'm not selfish compa-" I didn't even get my statement out before I was hit in the face with a pillow. 

When I turned to look at Olivia, and she had rage in her eyes. I sighed as I stood and grabbed my pillow. 

"I'll see you in the morning." I spoke, as I leaned over and kissed her cheek, but she pushed me away as soon as my lips left her cheek.

I walked towards the door.

"I love you, Olivia!"

"Fuck off, Elliot!"


Olivia's POV

I really should've let Elliot sleep in bed that night, so that I could've had it out with him, and maybe fix his thoughts for once. I got out of bed, since I couldn't sleep without Elliot next to me, and I went to check on the kids.

Cayden was asleep, thankfully, but Gus, Hanna, and Jayden were awake.

"Gus, I told you to go to bed at 9:30. It's going on eleven." I spoke.

"I know,but I'm having a hard time sleeping." He spoke, and I walked towards his bed and sat on the edge of it. He sat his tablet down, and grabbed his water bottle before taking a small drink from it.

"What's bothering you, Gus?" I asked, and he sighed.

"Do you think they'll come take Jayden if Dad finds them?" He asked, and my eyes went wide.

"You don't need to worry about that, Gus."

"Mom, I just want her to stay my sister. I don't want to go through any more crap." He spoke, and I reached out and ruffled his curls.

"Don't worry about it, Gus. I've got this under control. Now, get some sleep. Don't you have a math test tomorrow?" I questioned, and he groaned.

"I don't think I'm well enough to go to school."  He said with a fake cough, and I laughed.

"I love you, Gus."

"Love you too, Mom."


It was the same conversation with Hanna. My kids were scared that their big sister was going to be taken from them, and frankly that was one of my biggest fears too.

After calming them down, or at least trying to, I went into Jayden's room. She was sitting at her desk on her laptop. 

"Jayden, what are you doing, baby?" I questioned.

"Dad got to me." She sighed, and I eyed her, as she turned around to look at me.

"What?" I mused.

"I'm googling my family. Seeing if I can find any of my siblings. I do have younger siblings, one that is only five." She spoke, and I frowned.

"Jayden, you don't have to do this."

"I know but I'm interested!" She exclaimed, and I leaned against her desk, and I pushed a piece of short blonde hair behind her ear.

"How about we do this tomorrow?" I questioned, and she looked at me with confusion.


"How about you stay home tomorrow. We can go to the precinct, and I'll use my resources to help you find them if that is what you really want."

"Mom, are you sure? I know that you must be scared too." She breathed.

"I'm freaking the hell out, if I'm being honest, Jay." I breathed, and she stood up and moved in front of me.

She grabbed my hands and squeezed it.

"Momma, I love you. I'm not leaving you, I can promise you that. I might just want to meet them again, since it's been so long. I've changed a lot too, and I bet they have also."

"God girly, you are gonna make me cry." I sniffled, and I pulled my daughter into my arms and kissed her temple gently.

Lets just hope she is right. I can't lose her.


We got a call before lunch time, and I sent Nick to take Jayden to lunch, while I took Amanda with me to check it out. We went and ran the rape kit to the ME's office, so that we knew it got there, and I was surprised to see Nick and my daughter there too.

"Jay? What are you doing here?" I asked, and Nick looked guilty, while my daughter decided to try and sweet talk me.

"Well, I heard you talk about getting your DNA tested, and that's how you found Simon. I really want to find my family, so I asked Melinda if she could do that for me too." She smiled, and I groaned.

"Jayden, you were supposed to get lunch, not a DNA test!" I exclaimed.

"But-" She started, but Melinda came out of her office, and smiled at Jayden.

"Since your mother is here now. Join me in my office, and I have some matches for you."

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Reunited [A Bensler Fan Fic] Book TwoWhere stories live. Discover now