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Olivia's POV

Tears ran down my cheeks as I finished reading the letter. I looked over at Elliot, and he took it in his hands and read it for himself. I let my eyes move to Dr. Lindstrom, who gave me a gentle smile. He had read it himself, and he knew everything my daughter went through. He got to watch the reaction that we had after finding out everything that had happened to her. I was thankful for him. I was thankful that he was able to our daughter out of her shell, and get her to talk to us. Get her to open up finally.

"I want to find her siblings." Elliot spoke, and I looked over at him shocked.

"What, baby?" I asked, as grabbed his hand.

"I need to find them. I need to make sure that they are okay. Make sure that they have gotten a better life even if they were scarred."

"Elliot, we can't do that. We can't do that without getting permission from Jay."

"Then we'll get permission from her. She deserves to know where they are. We do too."


Elliot kept talking about finding Jayden's siblings the whole way home. I didn't want to find them. I didn't want them to try and get Jayden, because they are older. Because they can take care of a child now.

But Elliot was determined. He even asked Jayden at dinner.

"Jay, do you ever wonder about your other siblings?" Elliot asked, and Jayden stopped in her path, and her fork that still had chicken on it, stayed stationary.

"What?" She breathed.

"Do you ever wonder what has happened to your siblings? Maybe if they have families of their own. Or if they want to have a relationship with you?" Elliot asked, and I looked over at him, anger evident in my eyes.

"No." She spoke, before dropping her fork on her plate. She got up and ran from the room, and right up the stairs. I heard her door slam, and I shot Elliot a dirty look.

"Why couldn't you have just dropped it? She doesn't want to go back to that time. Seeing them might bring back bad memories. Memories that she has suppressed for years. Thanks a lot." I huffed, before sitting my napkin on the table, and going to check on Jayden.


When I got to my daughter's room, I knocked on the door, but she didn't come to open it. She was sobbing inside, and my heart ached. But right now, I don't know if I should go in. I don't know if I should go in and make her stop crying and letting her emotions go. Or I should sit out here, let her work through feelings, before heading in. 

I slid down the wall next to her door, and pulled my legs up to my chest. I ran my hands through my hair, and took slowly shaky breaths. 

Elliot was pissing me off to say the least. He was being a dick and not dropping it. If I had the option to find Simon again, and get to know him before he went to prison, I wouldn't have. It ruined my life to say the least. And I don't want Jayden's life to be ruined too.

"Mom, are you out there?" Jayden asked, and I stood up quickly, and moved towards the door.

"Yeah, I am. Want to talk?" I asked, and my daughter quickly opened the door. I moved towards her, and held her in my arms as she sobbed into my chest. I ran my hands over her back, and she held onto me tightly.

"Why can't he just let the past stay in the past?" She sobbed, and tears ran down my cheeks. Seeing her so upset was making me upset.

"Because he is stubborn. He doesn't like what happened to you, and all he is trying to do is make sure nothing really bad happened to them. But if you don't want anything to do with it, I understand We won't. We won't address it again." I spoke, and she sniffled.

"I do wonder sometimes, Mom. I wonder if Alec survived. Or if my sister, Lydia moved out and actually made something of herself. But I don't want them to come in and screw up my life. I want to be happy again. I love this life."

"Jayden, like I said, it isn't our choice. It's yours. If you don't want anything to do with it, I'll tell your father. I'll beat it into his thick skull if I have to." I smiled, and she laughed. She pulled away from me an walked towards her bed. She flopped down and grabbed a pillow and held it to her chest.

"Do you think I could tell him?" She asked, and I looked at her with wide eyes, but I nodded.

"Of course, Jay. Why don't I go get our plates and we can finish eating, then you can talk to him."


Elliot's POV

Olivia told me that Jayden wanted to talk to me. So after I loaded the dish washer, I went up to her room, and knocked lightly on the black door.

"Come in, Dad." She spoke, and I swallowed hard.

I walked in, and my daughter stood up from her bed, and pointed at her desk chair, and the beanbag chair that she had pushed towards the corner.

"Uh, which one?" I questioned, and she flopped down in the beanbag chair, and I sat on the desk chair.

"You're old, Dad. You wouldn't be able to get up from here." She teased, and I smiled.

"Thanks, bud." I chuckled.

"So, can I tell you something?" She asked, and I nodded slowly.

"Of course, Jay." I replied.

"Well, I don't want to find my family."


"Dad, I don't care what you think about this. These are my siblings. I don't want my siblings to come here. They might want things from us. Clearly we have money. And if they are like my parents, they'll want some."

"We won't let them have any, Jay. Don't you want them to know you? Don't you want to show them everything that you've did? How you've overcome the worst stuff."

"Dad, please. They'll hurt me. They'll hurt us all. Maybe in the future but not now."

"No. Jay. Come on."

"Dad, stop!"

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