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Olivia's POV

We sat in Melinda's office, and she went through her computer, and was preparing the results for Jayden's DNA test.

"Mom, don't worry." Jayden smiled, and I shook my head.

"I didn't want you to do this without me." I replied.

"It was just a cheek swab. And you trust Melinda with your life."

"Jayden, I don't care about trusting Melinda with my life. Because this isn't my life. This is yours." I sighed.

"Alright, so we found several matches with you, Jayden." Melinda spoke, and Jayden reached over and grabbed my hand, and squeezed it tightly.

"Who did you find?" I asked, because my daughter couldn't speak.

"Well, first of all, I found death certificates for Luca, Ralph, and Natasha Lewiston." Melinda spoke, and my daughter held onto my hand tighter, and I knew that she was in pain from the moment her sister's name was spoke.

"What else?" She whispered.

"Alec? Does that ring a bell?"

"Yeah, he's my brother." Jayden breathed.

"He's in Riker's right now for sexual assault, rape, and homicide." She spoke, and my daughter jumped up and left the office without saying a thing. Tears welled in my eyes, and I stood to follow, but Melinda stopped me.

"This has all the information on all of her relatives that the system found. She lucked out with you and Elliot. She might've been hurt more if she stayed with them."


I drove Jayden home right after we got the results, and she ran to her bedroom, slammed her door, and started to blast music right away. I sat down on the couch and sighed, before opening up the folder Melinda gave me. I wanted to know about her siblings, because maybe if I knew, I could help with the blow of whatever horrible things they are in to.

At first look at the file, that had just a list of the people, and where they were, nearly half of them were in prison. The other half actually seemed to have their lives together.

Maggie Lewiston Hammond, 22 years old, lives in New York City, medical school attendee

Honestly that one surprised me the most, but that might be the only one of her siblings I'd let my daughter meet, but before that, I'd be meeting her first.


Elliot and I switched off. He left work for the rest of the day, and came to take care of Jayden. I went towards NYU School of Medicine. I needed to meet this girl, and see if her life actually got turned around. If she might be able to help Jayden figure out who to work through the pain and loss, and maybe turn into something positive. We've thought of seeing if she wanted to volunteer with a nonprofit that helps foster children, but we never know if she's still too raw from everything.

I had the most recent picture that Melinda could find, which was from her entrance into medical school. She looked like Jayden, the blonde hair and the dark brown, almost black eyes.

I kept an eye out for her, as I walked around the campus. I was thankful that she didn't know who I was, because then she'd think I was stalking her if she sees me before I see her.

I quietly went into the large library, that had tons of students sitting at tables or on the floor reading medical journals, and I looked up towards the next floor, and I saw Maggie sitting at a desk reading something. Here goes nothing.


"So, what hospital do you work for?" She questioned, as she watched me with excited eyes. I might have lied to her so she would talk to me for sure, and offering up a lunch on me might've also helped.

"Maggie, I don't work with a hospital." I spoke, as I took a long drink from my coffee.

"What? I thought you were a surgeon. You were going to help me get into a teaching hospital." She breathed.

"Actually, I'm a police officer. I woke for the NYPD."

"Why would you fucking lie?!" She hissed, as she started to gather her items.

"I lied because I'm checking you out before I let my daughter see you again."

"I don't want anything to do with your daughter. I don't even know you, bitch." She yelled, and I was thankful there wasn't a lunch rush, since it was nearly two in the afternoon.

"Jayden." I spoke, and she froze.

"Jayden?" She whispered.

"My boyfriend and I adopted her. We've been her parents for about 5 years now."

"She's alive?" She questioned, and I saw how surprised she was. She must've thought her little sister had died as soon as she was permanetly pulled from her house.

"Yeah, and she's amazing." I breathed.

"Why did you come to find me? Do you not want her anymore?" She questioned.

"Well, she got a DNA test done, and decided that she wanted to find her siblings. Out of your whole family, you are the one who is married, who has a life, and you haven't went to prison. I wanted to make sure that you were good, and wouldn't set her back again."

"Can I see her? I haven't in years. It's been since I ran away."

"You ran?" I mused.

"Yeah. I ran away with two of the youngest girls. I got them to safety, but Jayden was the focus of all the abuse, that trying to sneak her out wasn't going to happen."

"I want to give you my number. Call me when you are free, and I'll see if Jayden wants to meet up with you."

"Okay." She breathed. I gave her my business card, and I put some money down on the table to pay the bill, and she looked at me.

"Does she know about our parents? How they passed away? Or how Alec is in jail?" She questioned.

"She does. Her social worker told her about your parents, and today, the ME told her about Alec. It destroyed her to hear that."

"He's a good kid. He was put in there because he took a deal, because his own lawyer didn't even trust him. I was with him the whole night that they claimed he assaulted, raped, and murdered a group of women. He didn't."

"Maggie, would you like me to look into that?" I questioned.

"Please. If not for me, but for Jayden."

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