Reunited, To Only Be Taken Away Again.

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Elliot's POV

"Her kidneys are failing her, and she isn't breathing by herself anymore." The doctor spoke, as he stood next to me, as I watched Liv in her hospital bed.

"What are you telling me?" I breathed, and he frowned.

"I think that it might be time to end her suffering." He spoke, and I shook my head, as tears welled in my eyes.

"I'm not giving up on her now. She's my soulmate, my other half. I can't just give up on her now. Give her a kidney transplant. See if there is anything else that can be changed to help her breath." I spoke, and he placed his hand on my shoulder, and squeezed it.

"Mr. Stabler, I'll run some additional tests. However, if she isn't having anymore brain waves, or if the infection is getting worse, my recommendation will stand." He spoke, before turning and leaving me behind.

I looked at him, as he walked away. 

He has no right to tell me what to do. This is my person. My fiance. He can recommend anything he wants to other people, but he can't tell me anymore.


I left the hospital, and drove home. The kids were hanging out with Lucy, who was helping a lot as usual. The kids knew that their mother was worse than before, but they didn't realize that she was dying.

"Hey, where are the kids?" I asked, quietly, as I opened the front door of the brownstone. Lucy was sitting on the couch folding laundry, since Liv has been in a coma since she had her throat slit.

"Cayden is down for his nap, and the older three are playing video games in the basement."

"Okay, so they should be calm." I spoke, and Lucy nodded.

"Yeah. It'll be a bit before Cayden is done with his nap." She replied, and I nodded.

"Cool. Thanks for watching them. They need someone they trust right now more than anything."

"How is she doing?" The young woman questioned, and I stopped in my tracks, and ran my hand over the back of my neck, as tears stung my eyes.

"She isn't doing good. The doctor gave me the end of life speech today, and said I may need to pull the plug." I choked, and she gasped, and I turned to look at her.

"I don't know how someone who could only do good, is laying on her death bed, because some bastard decided to hurt her. She doesn't deserve this." She spoke, as she ran a shaky hand under her eyes, and I frowned.

"Lucy, come here." I breathed, and she stood up, and walked towards me. I pulled her into my arms and hugged her warmly.

She's been working for Liv since Hanna was born, and now, nearly 11 years later, Lucy was attached to Liv, just as much as my fiance is attached to the girl who helped her all these years.

"What's happening?" Jayden asked, as she spoke from behind me. I sighed quietly, and parted from Lucy.

"Jayden, nothing is happening."

"Mom isn't even dead yet, and you are already moving onto our baby sitter. You are a fucking bastard." Jayden yelled, and I shook my head.

"I'm not sleeping with her, or doing anything with her. She's been around for longer than I have, and she's close with your Mom. I'm just comforting her." I frowned, and then I saw Hanna behind Jayden, her face was red, and tears streamed down her cheeks.

"Love, come here." I breathed, as I stepped towards her, and she ran right to me, and I wrapped my arms around her.

"I lost my Dad, and now I'm losing my Mom! I'm tired of this! All I want is to be happy!"


Hanna's POV

I walked into my mother's hospital room, and I tugged on the loose thread at the end of my sleeve. My sleeves were wet from wiping at my tears, but those tears were never going to stop.

I swallowed hard, as I walked closer to my mother, and noticed that her skin was tinted yellow, and it made me feel ill. She was really dying.

I climbed onto the bed next to her, and gently laid my head against her shoulder, as the machines breathed for her. Her heart wasn't pumping blood through her body, and her lungs weren't bringing in oxygen into her body.

"Momma, I don't like what is happening. I don't like these changes. I want you to live, because you are my last living parent." I whispered, as I nuzzled my head into the crook of her neck. She still smelled like my mother, and her skin was still soft like my mother, but this isn't my mother. She's just a lifeless shell of my mother, while my real mother is probably already hanging out with my father in heaven right now.

"You know, first it was losing Dad. Yeah, I was just a baby, but as I got older, it got hard. Then you got cancer for the first time. It was so scary when everything just started to get worse. Now you have cancer again, and you were kidnapped and your throat slit. What next? How will I deal with your death? All I'm going to have is Dad, and he isn't even my biological dad. I just wish you would wake up, tell me what to do, and then you can be free."


Elliot's POV

When I decided to end Liv's suffering, the kids and a few of Liv's closest friends were there. We all stood around her, and were crying, but we were together. It was one of the hardest things I have ever did, but as I thought about the life I made with that brown haired woman, I knew that everything I went through with her was worth it.

I didn't want to believe that she was gone, but once the beating stopped, and I knew the pain was gone, I knew she was too.

"My mom is going to come up here and help with the funeral. I want her to have a big police funeral, since she's spent most of her life dedicated to her job." I spoke, as we sat in the living room of my brownstone. The kids were in their rooms, so it was just me and the rest of the adults.

"I'll call the bosses tomorrow." Amanda sighed, as she took a drink from her beer.

"Thanks." I breathed, before wiping a tear from my cheek.

"She lived a good life. I don't think I'd be here if it wasn't for her." Fin spoke, and I nodded.

"None of us would be here if it wasn't for Liv. She is the most amazing person in this world."

We all leaned back against whatever furniture we were sitting on, and closed our eyes.

All of us were fighting off tears, and thinking about the woman we just lost. But in my head, especially, I was thinking about losing the love of my life, and having to raise our kids without here.

Please read second note!

Hey guys. I'm so sorry about ending it this way, but all books need to come to an end at some point. I'm going to write a prequel soon, and then maybe you won't hate me as much. 

Okay, so out of all of my finished books, are there any that you'd like to see something new with?

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