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Olivia's POV

Elliot snaked his arms around my body as he kissed me, and his eyes were closed tightly. I was screaming inside, and with that, I pushed him off of me and slapped him hard. Who does he think he is? I'm not his wife anymore!

"Liv-" He started, as he tried to recover from the sudden strike he received.

"No! Get out of my house!" I cried, and he quickly ran out, as tears welled in my eyes.

The one time I felt like I was ready to move on. I was ready to get back out there and start dating again, Elliot had to come in and kiss me. He had to ruin it all again.


I called Amanda as I drove towards the fancy pub Matthias wanted to meet me at for our first official date.

"Detective Rollins." She sighed into the phone.

"He kissed me." I spoke, and I heard a bit of noise, before she spoke.

"Who kissed you, Liv?"


"How did that happen?" Amanda exclaimed.

"I don't know!"

"What were you doing when he kissed you?" Amanda asked.

"I was grabbing my jacket! I was finishing getting ready for my date, and he just kissed me."

"Did you kiss him back?" Amanda asked quietly, and I bit my lip.

"No. I slapped him."

"Then it shouldn't be a big deal, Liv! Just enjoy your date with Matthias." She replied, and I sighed.

"I am tell you now, that you are going to help me dissect this at a later date."


"I'm not surprised." I smiled, as I looked at Matthias. He rolled his eyes as he rolled his sleeve up.

"I'm an Air Force guy, trust me."

"I bet that you live in your mother's basement, and play with model airplanes in your footy pajamas." I teased, and he smiled.

"Okay, I have model airplanes, but I don't play with them. They are strictly, STRICTLY, decoration." He laughed, which made me laugh.

He has a great laugh. It was contagious and it wasn't fake, which was amazing.

"I'd like to see them sometime." I spoke, but then my face went beet red, when I realized I said that out loud.

"Hey, don't be embarrassed." He spoke, as he reached across the table, and grabbed my hand. He squeezed it gently, and I finally moved my eyes to meet his. I was nervous, but he didn't make me feel nervous, it all melted away when I looked into his beautiful eyes.

Oh my, those eyes.

"Matthias, do you want to maybe go to a quieter bar and get some drinks?" I asked, and he smiled and nodded.

"Yeah, I'd really like that." He replied.

He helped me into my jacket, and I went outside, while he payed. I checked my phone, and I saw that Elliot called me. I put the phone to my ear as I listened to his voicemail.

"Hey, Olivia. I'm sorry about the kiss earlier. I didn't mean to make things awkward, but I'm telling you right now, that I'm not sorry for kissing you. I love you, and I hope you still love me." He hung up after those words, and tears stung my eyes.

I felt a hand on my back, and I locked my phone before looking at Matthias and smiling.

"Are you alright?" He asked, and I nodded.

"Perfect. Come on."


Matthias held my hand as drank wine. It was nice to know I wasn't going to have drink wine by myself. He was very gentle and not pushy like several boyfriends I've had in the past. He also made me smile and laugh, which was amazing.

After drinking for awhile, and only being a little bit buzzed, we headed out to our cars. He and I stood away from each other, because we didn't know what to do.

"Uh, if you're okay with it, can I kiss you?" Matthias asked. He sounded like a teenager, unsure if he should kiss his date on the front stood, because the father might be inside watching. 

It was cute.

"I'm okay with that." I smiled, and he stepped forward, and gently tucked a piece of hair behind my ear. He let his hand linger on my cheek, as he slipped his other hand to my waist. 

He pulled me in slowly, and kissed me ever so softly. He pulled away after a few moments, and bit his lower lip.

"I'm nervous, if you could tell."

"What are you nervous about, Matthias?" I asked, and he sighed.

"I really like you, Olivia. I don't want to be shitty at kissing, and turn you off completely." He sighed, and I leaned in and kissed his lips softly.

It lasted longer, and he looked at me with wide eyes as I pulled away.

"I'd like to go out again sometime. So, when you aren't busy playing with your "decorations" then call me up." I smiled, before kissing his cheek, and getting into my car.


Elliot's POV

[Earlier that night]

"So, where was your mother going?" I asked my kids, as I drove towards an arcade. We were going to eat pizza and play games for tonight's activity.

"She has a date." Jayden spoke, as she looked over at me. I hated that she was sitting in the front seat, because she could see my reaction.

"Oh. That's good."

"It's only the first date since the divorce, don't worry." Jayden replied, and I nodded slowly, and frankly, I was thankful.

I didn't want her dating, but maybe once she tests the waters, she'll realize that I'm the one she wants, and we can be a real family again.

We got to the arcade, and the younger three went in, while I grabbed the bag with Cayden's things. He was a messy kid, and often times needed to change his outfit after a meal. Let alone the Epipen  for his allergy to peanuts, which we found out the hard way.

"Jay, does she like him?" I asked, and Jayden looked up from her phone to look at me, and she nodded slowly.

"Yeah, I think she does, Dad." She replied, and I frowned.

"Dad, you got a divorce. It happened. Just try to move on, and let her move on too. No more of that kissing." She spoke, and I looked at her with wide eyes.

"You saw?" I asked, and she nodded.

"The door was open, stupid."

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