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Olivia's POV

"You're not looking too red hot." Elliot spoke, as he came into my office the next morning. I didn't go home last night, and I've been looking into Jayden's brother's case, trying to see if anything can change.

"I'm not feeling too good either." I admitted, as I slumped down in my chair, and pressed my fingers against my temples, to try and relieve the headache that had grown there.

"Headache? What else?" He asked, concern starting to cover his face.

"Baby, it's not back." I replied, and he shook his head.

"What else is bothering you?" He ordered.

"I'm tired, my chest kinda hurts, and I'm sick to my stomach..." I trailed off, and Elliot frowned deeply.

"You need to go see your doctor." He spoke, and I shook my head.

"No, I'm not doing that. I don't have cancer, and right now I'm busy. So please just go and get me some tea. That's all I ask for from you." I whispered, and Elliot nodded slowly, before leaving my office.

I made sure Elliot had his back to me, and I flipped open my desk calendar, and took a slow breath as I flipped through it. It's been almost 6 full years since we adopted Jayden, and since I went into remission. But was the cancer back?


Even though I pushed the idea of my cancer being back, out of my head, Elliot hadn't. When I was cleaning up the kitchen after dinner, when he came up and slipped me a piece of paper with a date on it.

"What's that?" I questioned, as I rubbed my sleeve against the tip of my nose to stop myself from sneezing.

"It's Friday's date. You have an appointment with your doctor, and they are going to run some tests. See if your levels are off." Elliot spoke, and I eyed him.

"No." I replied.

"Baby, if the cancer is back, we need to address it now, so that if it's worse than before, we can fight it."

"Elliot, you aren't fighting anything. The cancer is part of my body. I'm the one that will be throwing up more than I did when I was pregnant with Hanna. I'll be losing my hair, losing lots of weight, and I won't be able to work. If this fucking cancer is back, I'll be settling back into depression because we have an almost 4 year old that won't have me around as often, because I'll be going through chemo and radiation. Probably more surgries, because my body is killing itself."

"That cancer is back?" Gus asked, and I turned around to look at my son, and I swallowed hard.

"We have no idea, Gus. Just don't worry about it."

"How can't I worry about it? Mom! This effects us all." He spoke, as the other kids walked into the kitchen, and I saw a confused look on their faces.

"Mommy?" Cayden questioned, and I bit my lip.

"I'm going to the doctor's on Friday. I'll see if the doctor finds anything, but right now, we aren't going to worry about this. We are going to go and play a game together." I spoke, before walking over to Cayden and swinging him up into my arms.

"Mommy why is everyone sad?" He questioned, and I frowned.

"We aren't sad, baby. Are you ready to play a game?" I spoke, before pressing a soft kiss to his soft brown hair.

"Candy Land?" He questioned, and my kids decided to push their worries aside and all groaned. We played Candy Land all the time because that is one of the only games Cayden can play.


Elliot's POV

Olivia worked hard the whole week. She tried to stay calm, but we were all trying to stay calm. She got Jayden and Maggie to meet up, and the girls bonded right away. Then there was Cayden's play for the end of his school year, and then Hanna and Gus had a band concert. It was going to be summer before we knew it, and unfortunately, Friday came slower than summer was going to take.

"Maggie asked if she could come stay with us tomorrow night, because she has an exam first thing in the morning, and she wants to spend more time with Jay." Olivia spoke, as we waited in the waiting room of her doctor to come out and do the examination.

"Sounds good. I trust Maggie."

"That's surprising." She smiled, but it was forced. I reached over and grabbed her hand, and squeezed it tightly in mine.

"Everything will turn out perfect, baby." I breathed, before leaning in and placing a soft kiss to her temple. She nodded slowly, and zoned out on the far wall of the waiting room.

"Olivia Benson?" A nurse called, and I gently squeezed her hand, and she and I stood up. We walked towards the nurse, and she gave Liv a gentle smile.

"I'm going to do the normal check up, then once we draw your blood, your doctor will come in and check you out. Then if there is any issues, you'll be sent to the hospital for an MRI and any other special tests."

"Okay." Olivia breathed, and the nurse smiled.

"Come on. I don't bite." She spoke, as she pointed towards the room marked 6. Well isn't that a sick joke. Almost six years without cancer, but it might be over with.


"So we are going to keep you over night to make sure nothing is wrong." Liv's doctor spoke.

"I have four kids. I need to be home with them." Liv replied, and the doctor frowned.

"I know that you want to be home with them, but since we haven't gotten the results from the blood work, nor the MRI and x-rays, we want to keep you here and monitor your heart, breathing, and brain activity. You've had headaches lately, and I want to make sure if you do have cancer, that it hasn't spread to your brain." He spoke, and Liv started to cry. She walked down the hall, and I followed closely.

I wrapped my arms around her body, and she turned into me and held onto me tightly.

"If I get cancer again, I do not want to die. I want to live to see everything turn out. The kids. I can't have them go through this again."

"I'll figure it out, babe. Just lean on me. I can deal with it."

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