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Age: 24 years old

Skills: fights with two long daggers (like Legolas has) and a smaller, backup knife, also has a spear, cross country runner, can pick locks

Appearance: wavy dark brown hair, kept long and usually in a braid to keep it out of the way. When down it reaches the small of her back. Hazel eyes. Oval face with a strong chin. Normally seen in a tunic tucked into a long skirt and a small apron. She takes off the apron when fighting and puts on pants as well. Comfortable in most dresses when it's required.

Personality: generally easygoing. Knows when to be serious, but is almost never like that. Will resort to using her femininity to get what she wants. Knows how to manipulate situations the way she believes they need to go.

Family: two twin brothers (Jarel and Kalem)

Object: her mother's wedding ring, twin daggers (like Legolas') that she fights with.

Race: human

Other: Grew up playing with the many children of Edoras including Theodred. Because of her friendship with Theodred, she quickly became close with his cousins when they came to live there. When her mom died, she became the woman of the house, also becoming a mother figure for her two twin brothers. She was only twelve and the twins barely past a year at the time. Her free time became sparse, but she was able to take more time for herself as the twins got older. Trained with Eowyn to be a shieldmaiden. Dad went out to fight against the Wildmen in the Westfold and was killed in battle. She moved her brothers and herself into the inn where she worked.

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