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Darkness fell on the third day, but we kept riding. The white city was in sight. They let us in quickly. Our soldiers broke off from us on the fourth level of the city. Eomer and I continued up to the topmost level.

One of the night watch led us to a pair of rooms. I didn't complain about not seeing my friends simply because I was exhausted. The bed was so clean. I pulled off my dusty tunic and skirt before sliding under the covers, the fabric cold on my skin.

I actually slept in for once. Curtains were drawn over my windows, stopping me from waking with the sun. Okay, so I did wake up at dawn but I went back to sleep because I couldn't see any light. Once I realized that, I was up and out of my room in minutes.

"Excuse me, but could you tell me how to get to the healing rooms?" I asked a nearby guard. I'd passed them on my way up but I was too tired to realize. I thanked the man and hurried down the city levels.

"Maeve!" a familiar voice screeched. I turned and bolted to my two friends.

"Kaila! Laniel!" I tackled the both of them at the same time. "I'm so glad you're okay."

"They won't let either of us out of here!" Kaila groaned as she pulled away. I raised an eyebrow.

"Then you need to stay here. Where's Eowyn?" Laniel giggled before pointing to a raised walkway. My fair haired friend was walking slowly next to a man, their hands entwined.

"That may look like her, but that's not the same woman," I breathed, a smile crossing my face.

"No, that's Eowyn," Lani told me.

"I was joking, Lani. Joking." She blushed.

"Why didn't you come first thing?" Kaila accused. "You always wake at dawn and it's nearly noon!"

"The curtains were drawn so I slept past dawn for once," I admitted shyly. "We only arrived after midnight. Where are the twins?" My friends shared a look but neither answered me. I glared at Laniel, knowing she would break before Kaila got close.

"I'm sorry," she blurted. "We did what we could but they were trampled by one of the Oliphants." I gasped in horror. My brothers. Jarel. Kalem. Crushed to death.

"They said I would find you here," Eomer interrupted. I greeted him with a kiss and then glared at Kaila, who was raising her eyebrows suggestively. "I was hoping to steal you away to prepare for the coronation?"

"Yes, of course," Kaila offered. "We'll talk more after?"

"Duh! Couldn't let you two have all the fun and not tell me about it!" I joked before giving them each a hug and walking out beside Eomer.

"My apologies for stealing you away, but we haven't had any proper time for just us since the war." A smile twitched across my face.

"Did either of my hobbits make it through?" I asked eagerly, having not seen either of them in the healing rooms.

"Will there ever be a day when you aren't worrying for someone?" Eomer returned.

"Probably not." I shrugged, still waiting for his answer.

"Maeve!" a familiar voice called from up ahead.

"Merry!" I cried, racing up to hug him. "Oh, you have no idea how worried I was!" I released him and took Pippin into my arms next. "Pippin!"

"Hello, Miss Maeve," he greeted as I let go. "This is Frodo and Sam." Both waved at me and I waved back, eyeing the two other hobbits.

"Any friend of theirs is a friend of mine," I declared with a smile.

"Maeve I know what you're thinking and it's probably best you do not," Eomer laughed from behind me. I rolled my eyes, but stood up.

"You are no fun," I sneered. Now it was his turn to raise an eyebrow at me.

"Would you even like me at all if that was true?"

"Fair point," I shrugged. The hobbits laughed at our exchange.

"The elves of Rivendell arrived just two days ago. One of them asked if you would join them in their preparations for the coronation?" Merry offered.

"We can lead you there if you like!" Pippin offered.

"Eomer was taking me," I paused to look at him. He waved a hand with a smile. "But I'd love that." I pressed a quick kiss on Eomer's cheek and let my two little friends lead me through the city, Frodo and Sam following close behind.

Merry and Pippin chattered on about the preparations that had been made and about how everything was going to go. They told me the part Frodo and Sam had played in the war. I joked back and forth with them while trying to keep us heading towards the elves.

Eventually we made it there. I was spun off to the women and handed a beautiful dress. It was Rohirric in style, green with golden detailing.

"You must be Maeve?" a new woman asked. I turned, the skirt spinning out around my knees. "I am Arwen Evenstar." She was the most beautiful elf I had ever seen.

"My pleasure," I breathed, awestruck for a few moments too long. She laughed lightly and I laughed with her. The other women left the room, leaving just the two of us. We helped each other prepare, talking and joking with each other.

And then it was time. Eomer met me just at the end of the hallway. He seemed taken aback by my appearance, which could've been simply because the two of us women were glowing. Some more elves came for Arwen as I split off.

"You look beautiful, Maeve."

"And you look dashing, Eomer."

He was in his newly polished armor with the top part of his hair pulled back into a small braid. Arwen had done an elvish hairstyle on me with most of my hair down but pieces carefully selected to intertwine in a way that I could not hope to copy.

"Shall we?" He held out his arm for me. I took it with a smile and we walked out to the courtyard.

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